Regs for area14 and area17....!!??


Well-Known Member
Looking at the DFO pacific website......area14 and area17 Chinook regs it says minimum size for Chinooks is 45 cm. Is that right? I thought it was 62 cm......that's how I've been measuring mine. ??
That suggestion was floated around quite a few SFAC meetings last year.
The idea is take your 2 fish and go home rather than beat up bunch of fish to find a keeper,

All good I think
I was told by a reputable source that this is a misprint. I will see if he can comment here on this.
IslandGirl .. I'm not taking my 2 fish and "going home " if they are both 45cm's........just saying.....
IslandGirl .. I'm not taking my 2 fish and "going home " if they are both 45cm's........just saying.....

There are times when you can go out there and catch 20 or 30 undersize (under 24.5 inches) all day long.
What do you think the mortality rate is ?
If we don't practice responsible stewardship of the resource how can we expect any other user group to?
I've caught lots of shakers in my time. Mostly it seems they are closer to the surface than bigger fish. I've released all the ones that were here-to-for "undersize". 99% of them lived to tell about it. If the reason they dropped the size limit is so that we will all catch our first two fish ( be they fresh out of salmon kindergarten) and happily trot on home........that's not going to least for me...... on a side note, most of the acceptable fish that are caught off Van Isle throughout spring and summer are actually bound for the USA, not here......our "stewardship" as determined by DFO, Commercial interests, with a healthy dollop of political interference has a track record of infamy.
I don't see any "correction" bulletins of any kind regarding this on DFO site although I keep hearing it's a misprint. Maybe it is....but I haven't talked to DFO brass on the phone myself yet. Personally I will be still be honoring the 62cm rule.......anything I catch that's under 62 cm is going back anyway.
The freeby Tide and Bite Guide that is available in stores says 62cm......but it is not an official Fisheries publication, it is produced by a magazine. The 2011-2013 Tidal Waters Sportfishing Guide which IS an official Fisheries publication says on page 16 " Unless otherwise specified in the limit table, all retained Chinook must measure 45cm". The limit table for areas 14,17,and 18 in that book does NOT "otherwise specify". So in fact right now it must be 45cm. Since there have been no onsite updates.....45cm must be currently legal and I don't think they'll bust a person that has one on onboard.
Till or if its actually gets changed back it's published and legal. Kill them if you want to. Sure will be nice when I take Jessica(aged 9) out and she brings in a smaller fish that she can take it home if she wants. I'll make it dinner.

Think about all the injured fish we throw back cause they are to small that we could have eaten. Targeting nothing but large fish and killing smaller ones in the process is stupid and any who thinks different is stupid.
So...after the decades of the fish Gold Rush by commies, lodges, FN and all other parties with a vested interest in making as much money as possible off our Chinook leaving the shelf next to bare...the onus is now on a sporty such as myself ( who catches less fish in a season than most commies throw overboard in a couple of hours of fishing) to sing "Koombaya" and wax prolific about "stewardship" at the grassroots level and pick up the meager crumbs that they left while they're all Marlin fishing in Mexico with the big bucks they made off the "public" resource. I'm not buying it. I figured someone would bring "the children" into the debate. All people with a vested interest in anything , are the first to throw the children up front as an excuse to foster their cause. Gary Cooper's kid Dylan with his own fishing show on Chek isn't apparently one of them. I don't like catching baby fish as "take-home". If we all keep the babies to take home that's a dead baby for sure. I've released a lot (if not just about all) of shaker's (baby fish) that were not injured at all. If you think I'm stupid....well so be it. A 45cm to 62 cm fish can be released emphatically easily if you know what you're doing and don't bring it aboard in a net. If you are expecting a table-thumping, bulging-jugular-veins, forum-banning response from me , you're not going to get it.........Cheers, good fishing and tight lines....:cool:
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Anyway...regardless of what one thinks about the moral aspect of retaining pint-size fish......I am hearing again now that it actually IS a misprint....and will be corrected on Monday by DFO when they get back to work. So it looks like back to 62cm next week.