reels 4 young kids

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looking at reels for my 2 young girls , knuckle buster reels outa the question 4 them . any ideas ????? tight lines scottyboy
Shimano Charter Special level winds. They're about $170. So easy my Great Grandmother could use one. I bought them for my noobie fishing buddies and they've worked out very well.
I have some Charter Special 100's that I would mail ya for way less than that. If you decide you want to go that route. I am in Oregon. I would go easy on ya as I no longer have any use for them. :D If you are interested let me know. Thanks, Mike[8D] PS: I have 2 daughters also,[:X] 7 and[:X] 5 years.
i went and looked at them today , i didn`t see any 100`s but i did see 1000`s and 2000`s charter specials . i am interested in yours mike. thanxs scottyboy
It's the 1,000's you want-the 2,000's are a bit big for Salmon and way too big for kids.

I've used my TR 1,000's for over 10 years they are an excellent piece of fishing machinery.

If the price is a bit much look to the TR® Triton Graphite Levelwind.

It's a Star drag and while it doesn't have quite the makings of a Charter Special it is a solid well made unit that'll do you/the kids for years.
That was $170 Canadian. I think Cabela's has them for around $130US. I like the Charter Special 1000 because of the drag adjustment mechanism. Makes it really easy to grab the rod, set the correct drag for the fight and then hand off the rod in one motion. All the kid/noobie has to do is keep the tip up and keep reeling...
kone zone, i`m interested in your reels please get back 2 me asap , want my kids 2 play fish before the seasons up. scottyboy