Re-lining your Islander's


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of replacing the line on my MR2's and MR3's. I've got 100 yards of backing on each of them. I usually try to add another 300 yards of 25 lb test. I use Hi Vis Berkley. Just finding on the MR2 the fit is tight and will have to pull some line off it. How much line do you guys typically put on these reels? I like some extra line on the reels as I will usually cut off a bit every couple of weeks during the season to eliminate twists/fraying/nicks.
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pescador, I have learned the hard way that the extra 50 feet you put on to give it that full look gets you in trouble. When I spool it on it looks great as it's very even and 7/8 full to the top. Now you get a good spring on and it takes 400 feet of line out in 30 secounds and is now coming to the boat. If the person on the reel is not facing the fish coming in and on a angle, it piles up on one side or the other depending on the operator and angle. Now if it piles on the outside, it's no big deal. But if it's piling up on the inside it will get caught up and bind in the grove and the person will keep reeling until it siezes tighter that a you know what.

So to avoid this I now leave at least a 1/2 inch at the top.
I had similar issues to codfather as well. I had only been putting 300 yards of 30lb mono on my MR3's with no backing. Last year I had them in to be respooled and was chatting with the guy while he was doing it and he put more like 350 on them. He thought he was doing me a favour and only charged me for the 300 yards but I had to redo them after they both had issues with seals and inexperienced They had been piling up on one side and it caused a few tense moments before the seals forced the issue for good. :(
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Codfather/RS, ya I hear you and agree that the issue of line build up on one area of the reel arbour can cause a problems with line binding or getting into the mechanism. It happened to me off shore at Nootka last year and thank god I was able to pull the reel apart reassemble and still bring in the fish. Based on your input, sounds like I need to pull 50-100 yards off each of them to get that 1/2 inch distance which makes good sense. See you at CC next year CodFather..... Thanks..