R.I.P. Luna

Hey Deewar: I feel your pain, I really do. This is just a very bad situation and my heart goes out to the Mowachaht-Muchalat people. As well as the fisheries people that where put into this no win scenario. Hopefully we can all learn from this. For Luna's Sake. Eman
Hey Deewar: I feel your pain, I really do. This is just a very bad situation and my heart goes out to the Mowachaht-Muchalat people. As well as the fisheries people that where put into this no win scenario. Hopefully we can all learn from this. For Luna's Sake. Eman
March issue of Pacific Yachting magazine has a article for boaters for this season on how to deal with Luna.Geuss they were expecting lots of tourists to try and find the 'tame' killer whale this year.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
March issue of Pacific Yachting magazine has a article for boaters for this season on how to deal with Luna.Geuss they were expecting lots of tourists to try and find the 'tame' killer whale this year.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
When has Ottawa ever learned from it's mistakes, I'v been salmon fishing for 35 years and 95% of the time they make the wrong decision, they just don't listen to, or consult with the grass roots people, people like you and me, local people with something called common sense. Of course Luna was lonely, any fool knowes whales aren't solitary creatures. There that feels better, anybody else want to rant?
When has Ottawa ever learned from it's mistakes, I'v been salmon fishing for 35 years and 95% of the time they make the wrong decision, they just don't listen to, or consult with the grass roots people, people like you and me, local people with something called common sense. Of course Luna was lonely, any fool knowes whales aren't solitary creatures. There that feels better, anybody else want to rant?
WELL we all are aware of the results from far removed federal appointed officials and their decisions based on arms length information they are not held to any accountability !!!! ---- case in point the East Coast fishery whether it be cod, salmon, lobster, clams, broadbill what have you!

We thankfully are legally allowed to voice our opinion and I personally am distraught at the incredible position the west coast public civil servants are positioned to fortify Ottawa’s elected officials.

This is a regional issue whereby local professional input should oversee that of some MP in what ever have you province east of the west coast --- they are not in grass roots contact with the region and in my opinion lacking the professional background to make decisions which have such a detrimental affect on the area.

YES I BELIEVE THAT DECISIONS ON OUR COAST SHOULD BE MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN TOUCH WITH THE REALITY SURROUNDING THEM NOT THOES 3000 MILES AWAY AND TO THOES WHO CALL THEMSELVES FIRSTNATION ( documented nomadic tribes of hunters and gathers who benefited from a signed document (which is not subject to “we came and conquered” as acceptable world wide, except Canada and the US and are continually exploiting the Canadian domain at large ---- hopefully in my life time we as Canadians will all be placed on a level playing field with no advantages placed with one race ----- AS WE ARE ALL NOMADIC AND CAME TO THIS COUNTRY INCLUDING THE SELF IMPOSED TITLEMENT -- first nation.
WELL we all are aware of the results from far removed federal appointed officials and their decisions based on arms length information they are not held to any accountability !!!! ---- case in point the East Coast fishery whether it be cod, salmon, lobster, clams, broadbill what have you!

We thankfully are legally allowed to voice our opinion and I personally am distraught at the incredible position the west coast public civil servants are positioned to fortify Ottawa’s elected officials.

This is a regional issue whereby local professional input should oversee that of some MP in what ever have you province east of the west coast --- they are not in grass roots contact with the region and in my opinion lacking the professional background to make decisions which have such a detrimental affect on the area.

YES I BELIEVE THAT DECISIONS ON OUR COAST SHOULD BE MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN TOUCH WITH THE REALITY SURROUNDING THEM NOT THOES 3000 MILES AWAY AND TO THOES WHO CALL THEMSELVES FIRSTNATION ( documented nomadic tribes of hunters and gathers who benefited from a signed document (which is not subject to “we came and conquered” as acceptable world wide, except Canada and the US and are continually exploiting the Canadian domain at large ---- hopefully in my life time we as Canadians will all be placed on a level playing field with no advantages placed with one race ----- AS WE ARE ALL NOMADIC AND CAME TO THIS COUNTRY INCLUDING THE SELF IMPOSED TITLEMENT -- first nation.
The whale was retarded.
The pod kicked it away to die as it should have.
Human intervention resulted in a nusience to the boating community.
Indian spirts are crows or shithawks or ravens or something, not whales.
Too much money was wasted on a retarded whale.
The end result was optimal.
Cheers, Chromer
Damn I thought we have problems with our tribes down here. It is interesting how time changes the perception on different animals. I have a magazine from the 1940s and it has a picture of the US Navy ship shooting at Killer whales and a comment under the picture said that the fisherman really appreciate the Navy ridding the area of them. How times have changed. Joe
You got the right the whales where all around my boat last year out in the straights we had to stop until the got tired of looking at up. The bad part there where 12 foot seas and we had someone sick aboad it was fun to watch them.

The Makah are trying to get permission but who knows. I know some of the tribal members and they still have the meat in the freezer from 5 years ago. The crazy part of the whole thing was the US goverment paid them to go on the hunt the bill was about $500K. Then they didn't want to pay the taxes on the money earned.

I keep thinking that I wanted to move to Canada due to the fising regulation being so much easier but you are almost as bad as we are. I even went go far as to marry a Canadian. I just have to convice her to move back up there.

Take care Joe

joseph battaglino