R.I.P. Luna


Well-Known Member
Fisheries and Oceans have reported that Luna The wayward killer whale has died. Apparantly he was rubbing around an ocean tug that was idling in the sound waiting on the weather, when she came in contact with the propeller. A sad day indeed. Eman

Edited by - Eagle Maniac on 03/10/2006 12:36:35

Edited by - Eagle Maniac on 03/10/2006 12:39:18

Edited by - Eagle Maniac on 03/10/2006 12:40:25
I geuss thats what people were afraid was gonna happen eventually.

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
Too bad. It was only a matter of time. DFO should have rescued him a long time ago.
It's sad he wasn't reunited with his pod so he could have had a normal orca life, but on the other hand, the small vessels in Nootka are far safer now. This was quite forseeable and it was bound to come down to boat kills whale or whale kills boaters.
Having quite a few personal experiences with Luna, I have to agree with C Lyse on this one. Something was bound to happen to either boater(s) or Luna, and I guess that thing finally happened.

Fish Wish
peace be with you, my you make new friends in the ocean heavens

tight lines
Heard this on the radio today, it breaks my heart<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

When im on the water next I'll be thinking of ya luna.

DFO, you should have held firm those years ago, reincarnation of a dead chief, my a..

sorry for the rant guys
Just wait for the fall out on this one. The finger pointing will now start. With a few encounters myself up and close with Luna it is just stupidy that whale was never moved. Looks like Chief Maquinna had a short life as a whale. What a waste !!!

Tournament Proven !
I too have had 3 close encounters with Luna, 2 were very moving, the last was nothing short of panic.The government has really screwed this one up. That beautiful creature should be with it't pod, or at least an attempt to reunite him with his family.What a shame, shame on the spineless people that could have done something. The whale's life is the first tragedy, what about all the dollars waisted in the the so called attempt to move him, the damage done from his playful nature with boaters.Oh yes and there is the closure of the Burdwood area to help lead him back to his pod, yea right.WHAT A COMPLETE AND UTTER BLUNDER, IT MAKES ME SICK. THE WORD ANCESTOR KILLED THIS WHALE PURE AND SIMPLE.

I for one will point fingers at the ones who were paid from our hard earned tax dolars to protect luna due to the out dated fear of rocking the boat. The Goverment should have stood up when they had the chance to save another almost extinct species but instead we only saw, once again poor goverment management of funds and lack of back bone. Sad to see when they had the chance to save a very valueable part of the oceans balance once again they dropped the ball. I also blame those who stood in the way of allowing the possibility of this fantastic animal from joining it's family!

Just an opinion
I for one will point fingers at the ones who were paid from our hard earned tax dolars to protect luna due to the out dated fear of rocking the boat. The Goverment should have stood up when they had the chance to save another almost extinct species but instead we only saw, once again poor goverment management of funds and lack of back bone. Sad to see when they had the chance to save a very valueable part of the oceans balance once again they dropped the ball. I also blame those who stood in the way of allowing the possibility of this fantastic animal from joining it's family!

Just an opinion
For once I will say its not goverments fault for one reason!!!!!!!!They were the ones who wanted to moved Luna but NO WAY said the first nations and now with us living in such a disporportioned society going in totallty the wrong direction.

As soon as the goverment wants to do some thing the race card is thrown in so they back off!!!!!!!!!!!!!the real question that should be answered is how you can take claim to a WILD animal as yours to do as you will!!!

The poor whale should have been reunited with his family just like how springer was back to where HE belongs.
How is it fair to not let a human/whale not be allowed to be back with his family you would never here if it was a child that got disoriented or lost from his family and some other people wanted to keep that child I do believe thats is against the law the last time I checked.

We live in a sick world to let a beutiful animal such as luna to die for no reason if they (the first nations)wanted to do they could always let the animal go back to his family and go and see him with his real family is they so wished.

Unfortunatlly this was going to happen I just hope we learn from this so the next time a whale gets lost WE AS PEOPLE will work together unbiased....

For once I will say its not goverments fault for one reason!!!!!!!!They were the ones who wanted to moved Luna but NO WAY said the first nations and now with us living in such a disporportioned society going in totallty the wrong direction.

As soon as the goverment wants to do some thing the race card is thrown in so they back off!!!!!!!!!!!!!the real question that should be answered is how you can take claim to a WILD animal as yours to do as you will!!!

The poor whale should have been reunited with his family just like how springer was back to where HE belongs.
How is it fair to not let a human/whale not be allowed to be back with his family you would never here if it was a child that got disoriented or lost from his family and some other people wanted to keep that child I do believe thats is against the law the last time I checked.

We live in a sick world to let a beutiful animal such as luna to die for no reason if they (the first nations)wanted to do they could always let the animal go back to his family and go and see him with his real family is they so wished.

Unfortunatlly this was going to happen I just hope we learn from this so the next time a whale gets lost WE AS PEOPLE will work together unbiased....

Have to say this is brutal how this panned out, I also had a close encounter when he was young after we had just docked a crew boat - he came right up the side of the boat and looked me in the eye. While fascinated of course, I knew this was messed up and we did all we could and cleared the area as soon as we could. The good thing is that I figured it would be a human that would die first.

All I have to say is shame on the people early on that felt the need to 'find' him, and interact with him, and even worse, molest him. Shame on the natives for interfering the attempt to reunite Luna with his family. Lastly and mostly though, shame on the government for not having the balls to go up against the natives and do the right thing. In my mind, this is no different than a child getting separated from his family in a mall, some stranger finding the baby, and basically adopting it as his own with totally disregard for the family that can't find it. Of course at a young age, in due time, that stranger would become 'all you know' and you'd assume it was family - I'm sure that is what Luna went through. If the above example took place, that would be considered a criminal act. So the natives interfere with an endangered species and the government just says ok??? Pathetic!

Maybe he would not have adjusted to a reuniting with his family, maybe he would have just come back in search of boaters and died that way, or killed someone. Now, we will never know because of the inconsiderate people that decided to cross the line in the animal/human interaction, and the government that didn't have the balls to step on a few natives feet and do the right thing.

Sad sad world!
Have to say this is brutal how this panned out, I also had a close encounter when he was young after we had just docked a crew boat - he came right up the side of the boat and looked me in the eye. While fascinated of course, I knew this was messed up and we did all we could and cleared the area as soon as we could. The good thing is that I figured it would be a human that would die first.

All I have to say is shame on the people early on that felt the need to 'find' him, and interact with him, and even worse, molest him. Shame on the natives for interfering the attempt to reunite Luna with his family. Lastly and mostly though, shame on the government for not having the balls to go up against the natives and do the right thing. In my mind, this is no different than a child getting separated from his family in a mall, some stranger finding the baby, and basically adopting it as his own with totally disregard for the family that can't find it. Of course at a young age, in due time, that stranger would become 'all you know' and you'd assume it was family - I'm sure that is what Luna went through. If the above example took place, that would be considered a criminal act. So the natives interfere with an endangered species and the government just says ok??? Pathetic!

Maybe he would not have adjusted to a reuniting with his family, maybe he would have just come back in search of boaters and died that way, or killed someone. Now, we will never know because of the inconsiderate people that decided to cross the line in the animal/human interaction, and the government that didn't have the balls to step on a few natives feet and do the right thing.

Sad sad world!