
Steelhead S2

Active Member
Going to be home for a bit over the holidays, and when time does not permit trips to more exciting flows, I will be heading to the Quinsam for at least a couple of hours of fishing most every day. I have not fished this river for more than 10 years, so I don't really know anything about it any more. Are there still some winter fish? Will they be there by late December?

Also, I read the regs, which state "no retention of steelhead from Dec. 1..." I presume this covers hatchery fish too?

Anyway, I have just tied up a whole pile of jigs, and I am itching to get them wet. Considering that, combined with my recent lack of fishing, if I can't make it out to a river on a given day you may find me lowering a jig into a storm sewer with a yellow fish pained beside it. I am getting desperate!
Roger no retention of any steelies ever.
Yes there are still a few around though it's really down to "a few"
If you fish every day and fish from the hatchery down to the campbell every day, you've got about as good a chance as it gets around here.
You might see Ray on the river, semi-tall (just over 6ft) little bit heavier and part native. If you see him stop and talk to him. He fishes with a sage rod and islander centerpin, wear's cloudviel wadders and he fishes EVERY DAY.
He'll be way more help than I could ever be, and he's a great guy.
He might even show you a few recent pictures if he's had any luck yet, I haven't seen him this year - but then I haven't made it to the Q in weeks.
Thanks. I will not be working that hard on the Q, but I will keep my eyes open for signs of life and fellow fishermen. I appreciate the info. Too bad the numbers are so depressed.
hey steel, Im in CR and if youre interested, maybe we can make a trip to the gold for a day or half day. Im getting to know some good spots, should be really good soon, maybe even now. Give me a heads up when youre here. 250-203-1830. Dave.


Fill the dam tub!