

Well-Known Member
Looking for a flasher that does not rotate but swims erratically, darting here and there changing direction at random....maybe rotates once in awhile.....

Have they invented this yet?
x2, dodger. Lots of good old school one's out there in the garage sale market for cheap.
Used to use the Abe & Als, Pals and Roy Smith dodgers. The Abe & Als were designed to roll but we bent them to make them dodge back and forth. The others would dodge unless trolled to fast and then they would roll over. We even used to scuff up the old beat up Roy Smith's and paint them white. They worked great at times. Now you could scuff them up and affix all kinds of reflective or glow tapes. I don't think they attract fish from distances as well as flashers do. However once a fish is within range they can prefer the dodger action over the flasher., I was looking for something with more of an erratic swimming action rather than dodging from side to side.

It would go up, down, around, then over here and then over there fixed pattern.
Look to the Great Lakes Salmon fishery particularly on the US side there's all kinds of stuff produced there that we never see.

something like that?
Dragged these behind the boat a few times, tried the holographic green/silver one and it definately throws a spoon or chovie around a lot more.
didnt really notice any differance with hit ratio though.
I know this might be taken with some ridicule but what you are describing sounds very much like the action a Deep Six planer performs when being trolled into a turn especially in a fast current. There was a time, for at least two decades, before the eventual takeover of the downrigger that if you were fishing from a cruiser in the waters around Campbell River you were more than likely to be fishing a cut plug herring or a herring strip behind a Deep Six planer with no flasher just the planer bouncing around in front of the lure. This method was extremely effective for both Coho and Chinook and probably still would have been practised even now if our resident herring schools had not been fished into extinction.