question re removing cabin heater hoses on Merc V6

Olde School

Well-Known Member

My dad has removed the cabin heater from his Campion Victoria 215.
The heat was not necessary and the smell of hot rubber is the cabin wasn't appreciated.
However, he simply reconnected the ends of the hoses in the cabin, so we still have a bit of heat and a lot of stink.

My question is: how to we properly disconnect the heater hoses in the engine compartment?



p.s. I sold the heater/fan assembly.
Block it off right at the motor. There will be two hose's coming off the block just remove the two hose nipples and replace with plugs or cut the hoses short and plug the hose's.
What casper said. Also check your thermostat while you're at it. It shouldn't be running hot enough to make a burning rubber smell just from the hoses.
Better to gun the hose nipples all together and just put in brass plugs. Then you don't have to worry about the hose's that are left leaking.