Question re:Commercial Fishery Chums/Brown's Bay


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone know if there is in fact going to be a commercial fishery for Chums in Brown's Bay this year.

Given the drop in prices paid for Sockeye and the massive inventory/lack of storage space what are Chums going to be worth anyway?

Of course it's never quite that simple but does anyone have any info/insight they could share?


Now dont blame me!! You asked for the info :D

Johnstone Strait Chum
5.8.1. Background
The Johnstone Strait chum fishery targets fall run chum stocks that migrate through Johnstone
Strait. Most of these fish spawn in Johnstone Strait, Strait of Georgia, and Fraser River areas,
though a small component is bound for Washington State systems. The main components of the
harvest are the Mid-Vancouver Island (MVI) and Fraser River stock groupings. The migration
timing of these fall chum stocks in the Johnstone Strait fishing area range from September to
November with the peak typically early to mid October. Mixed-stock fisheries occur in Areas 12
and 13 with terminal opportunities where surpluses are identified. Harvesters include First
Nations (FSC fisheries), recreational, and commercial (seine, gill net and troll).
Due to the variation in chum returns over the years, a new strategy for chum management was
initiated in Johnstone Strait starting in 2002. In order to ensure sufficient escapement levels,
while providing more stable fishing opportunities, a fixed exploitation rate strategy was
implemented. The exploitation rate is set at 20% across all harvesters, regardless of total
abundance. Of this 20%, 16% is allocated to the commercial sector, and the remaining 4% is set
aside to satisfy FSC and recreational harvest requirements and to provide a buffer to the
commercial exploitation. Past tagging studies conducted in 2000, 2001 and 2002 helped in the
development of this strategy in assessing the exploitation rate and migration timing of chum
stocks in the Johnstone Strait.
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Under the fixed harvest rate model, commercial fleets are expected to have more consistent and
predictable fishing opportunities than with the previous clockwork model. This was one of the
main objectives for the new approach. This goal has been met with regular fisheries planned
each year well in advance of the actual return. A chum working group meeting will be scheduled
in the May to June time period to begin planning discussions for the 2010 fishery.
It is anticipated that there will be two competitive seine openings; however, options for a
demonstration fishery in 2010 are under discussion with the Area B Harvest Committee.
In 2008 and 2009, an Area H troll full fleet share-based demonstration troll fishery was
implemented involving transferable boat days. The initial allocation of boat days was based on
Area H's share of the allowable troll exploitation rate. The fishery was divided into two fishing
periods with a short break in between. Boat days were transferable within each fishing period
but not between periods. A maximum of one third of the total number of boat days held could be
carried over from fishing period one to fishing period two provided that that the day(s) was not
5.8.2. General Constraints
„h For Inside Southern chum salmon a critical threshold, where little or no harvesting
occurs, is defined as 1.0 million in Chapter 6 of the PST.
„h For run sizes above the critical threshold, fisheries will be conducted using a fixed
harvest rate approach. The fixed harvest rate approach is based upon a 20% harvest rate
on the return through Johnstone Strait (16% commercial and 4% for FSC and recreational
„h When run sizes are expected to be below the critical threshold, commercial fisheries will
be suspended and there will be only assessment fisheries and non-commercial fisheries.
„h No commercial opportunities will occur prior to late September due to coho conservation
„h First Nations harvest opportunities are provided to meet FSC requirements.
„h Recreational fishing opportunities are provided at normal daily limits of four chum per
5.8.3. Pre-season Planning
The fixed harvest rate fishing schedule is based upon effort, time and area. Fishing schedules are
initially developed based on the assumption of ¡¥normal fleet participation¡¦ (i.e. recent year¡¦s
maximum fleet participation in the chum fishery or trend in effort).
Fishing schedules and exact fishing dates will be confirmed pre-season following consultation
with industry and other stakeholders. Considerations are given to avoid weekend commercial
fisheries in lower Area 13, in order to minimize any conflicts with the recreational fishery.
Following is the fishing plan that has been developed in recent years:
Seines - First Fishery
„h First fishery will provide for a one day, 12 hour fishery, at the end of September or first
week of October. No opportunities for extended fishing time for the first fishery.
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Seines - Second Fishery
„h Second fishery will provide for a one day, 10 hour fishery, in the third week of October.
Note that the reduction in time to 10 hours is due to reduced daylight hours).
„h If effort during the first and/or second fishery is considerably less than anticipated or
severe weather hampers the fishery then additional fishing time will be considered.
„h An option for a demonstration fishery in 2010 is under discussion with the Area B
Harvest Committee and is to be confirmed.
Gill net
„h Gill net fisheries are scheduled to commence at the end of September or first week of
„h Fishing times are scheduled separate from the seine fishery when and where possible.
„h Duration of the fishing period is generally 41 hours and will be confirmed in-season
based on effort.
„h Fishing opportunities on the weekend are generally not planned in order to minimize any
potential gear conflicts with the recreational fishery in lower Area 13 and also to
minimize any processing issues on weekends.
„h Fisheries are scheduled to commence at the end of September or first week of October.
„h Fishing opportunities on the weekend and Statutory Holidays in lower Area 13 are
generally not planned in order to minimize any potential gear conflicts with the
recreational fishery.
„h In 2010, Area H is again planning an effort share based demonstration fishery. Refer to
Appendix 10 for further details.
5.8.4. In-season Decisions
Licence area advisors are consulted on harvesting opportunities through in-season licence area
advisory bodies. These consultations are done regularly through weekly conference calls starting
late September.
The following considerations will guide fisheries management decisions in-season:
„h Amount of effort in each fishery and fishing time period; and
„h Weather conditions during the fishery.
5.8.5. Issues
„h When run size is expected to be below the critical threshold of 1.0 million fish
commercial fisheries will be suspended and there will be only assessment fisheries and
non-commercial fisheries.
„h There have been requests by the seine fleet to review the effort based management
approach and develop a revised approach that is better suited to implement share based
(ITQ) fisheries. Discussions are continuing regarding potential demonstration fishery
options for 2010.
„h A troll demonstration fishery is planned again for 2010 which will be an effort share
based management approach similar to 2009.
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Clear as mud????? btw-- from the Integrated Fisheries management Plans posted on the DFO website


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Yer welcome Spring Time!!!

This sentence is helpful if you plan on fishing Browns Bay

Fishing opportunities on the weekend and Statutory Holidays in lower Area 13 are generally not planned in order to minimize any potential gear conflicts with the
recreational fishery.


20ft Alumaweld Intruder