Question LUHR-JENSEN Flash Fly


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys

I was wondering if any of you are using these flash flies? They look pretty good but that does not mean they work, so what are your thoughts. They come with a 36" leader, it's seems a little short to me but maybe I'm wrong. If you guys are using them do they work and what colors are best I was thinking of picking up a half dozen!!

i used a very similar one made by silver horde i think? it was a cop car colour. after several hours with nothing to show for it went back to a purple haze hootchie on!!!
I like the Silver Horde US made units better not too enthused about anything Luhr Jensen does offshore.

They look OK though
I tried it. It was green in color. Bought from HWT in N.Van. It went home with the guy who brought it/bought it. I told him to get a refund....I think for tuna it may have worked, but of Bamfield it was a waste of time and money.

POS it was... I will not ever buy one..or allow some one to even use one on my boat..
I bought some for $1.99 in the discount bin. The VMC hooks are going to disappear like gas in a 454....that's one issue. I've fished the Silver Horde Ace-hi Flies vs. my preferred spoon and other "weapon" of choice for Cohos...and the tried an' true gear put the Ace Hi Fly to shame. A time and place for everything as they say. I imagine the flash flies will work well as a bucktail....
Take the eyes off the Ace-Hi,(easy...they're stick-on)....and put it inside a Purplehaze Cuttlefish.

Or...put it inside a North Pacific Hake Cuttlefish.. (AS73R...from Pac Net Twine).
Anyone ever tried the pink glow or green glow spatter back Ace Hi fly around the Nanaimo qualicum area?
troll em fast for Tuna.
I tried it. It was green in color. Bought from HWT in N.Van. It went home with the guy who brought it/bought it. I told him to get a refund....I think for tuna it may have worked, but of Bamfield it was a waste of time and money.

POS it was... I will not ever buy one..or allow some one to even use one on my boat..

Funny how experiences differ ...... I have had GREAT success with it on Coho in Barkley Sound ....... best colour for me was the purple haze but maybe because I started with that colour and caught fish with it right away ....
Tried one inshore near tofino. It caught Coho as well as anything else. But everything was catching coho that day.