Quamichan Lake- Duncan


Well-Known Member
Took my new (to me) trout boat out this afternoon for a couple hours to sort out changes I've made and to figure out additional changes (where to put the drink holders etc.).

At the last minute I threw in a couple of fly rods and after touring the lake I threw out the lines. Double header, one 15" and one fat 18" that must have run 3 pounds.

Question is, does anybody eat fish out of there?
I know they are stocked, but I've heard that they are not to be eaten, ok to eat in winter/spring, ok to eat all year round (except maybe if there is an algae bloom in the hot summer).
Any experience here?

I have eaten them from that Lake Time , and also smoked them , they are quite good.
And you will of course get the nay sayers but what the hell I'm still here and telling you about it so judge for yourself.


Thanks Al
I'll take that as gospel.
I did release them both, but it is darn convenient to have trout fishing 10 minutes from the house. Have to check further.
Don't need a 3rd ear growing out of my head.
Every fish I've ever caught has been a trophy ..... for it's weight class.
Of course I've had to adjust the class divisions sometimes.

Otherwise I have no idea where the 'big ones' are.
I was hoping you could tell me.
Cowichan has some large trout , Somenos can produce , but now with the American bullfrog problem those lakes are going to be invaded big time by those monsters and they will devour the fry and just about anything else that moves in the system.
Which jogs my memory now , do you know there is a lake in behind Blackjack Mountain in Nanaimo area that has Kamloops trout in it ? got to go dig my notebook out I think it was Okay Lake..............

boomerang is behind blackjack aswell as ok. also fuller has been know to produce some monsters aswwell as cowichan
Yup Okay Lake has Kami's in it .................or used to.
Alec Merriman wrote about that Lake and Cottle Lake and Off Lake , Off Lake used to produce trout in the 5 lb range.
Fished those Lakes with my Uncle Jack in the '50 s
