
Guys-- this has the okay from the Area 14 SFAC. We are facing a couple of years of lower escapement due to high temperature losses at the hatchery on coho and dropping (again) ocean survivals on the chinooks. Bitter pill to take, but its in the best interest of the fish. BTW chum have plummeted on the Qualicums, but holding steady on the Puntledge. Go figure that one out!
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Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0678-RECREATIONAL -Salmon - Non-retention of Coho and Chinook Salmon in Region 1 - Puntledge River

Coho and chinook salmon returns to the Puntledge River are forecast to be lower
than average in 2011. Local hatchery staff have indicated that hatchery coho
smolts experienced extremely high rearing mortality in 2008 due to high water
temperatures and unfavorable rearing conditions.

At this time returns are uncertain therefore the daily limit for coho and
chinook salmon will remain at zero (0) in the Puntledge River until further

This is an update to page 8 of the 2011-2013 BC Freshwater Salmon Supplement.


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