Puntledge Public Notice


I'm going to try this and if it works I'll try to put our public notices on line. Bryce Gillard - Field Supervisor - Courtenay

Puntledge/Courtenay River Salmon Possession - 2010

Effective 0001 hrs October 1, 2010 until 2359 hrs November 30, 2010 The daily limit of chum salmon is two (2) in the Puntledge & Courtenay River downstream from a boundary marker located 75m downstream of the Puntledge River hatchery counting fence. Minimum size limit of 30 cm.
Effective 0001 hrs October 1, 2010 until 2359 hrs November 30, 2010, the daily limit of Chinook salmon will be one (1) in the Puntledge & Courtenay River downstream from a boundary marker located 75m downstream of the Puntledge River hatchery counting fence. Minimum size limit of 30cm wild or hatchery marked.
Effective 00:01 hrs October 1, 2010 until 23:59 hrs November 30, 2010, the daily limit of unmarked or marked (adipose fin clipped)coho salmon in the Puntledge & Courtenay Rivers are four (4) per day, of which only 2 may be over 35 cm. Coho can be either unmarked or marked. Minimum size limit is 25 cm.
Coho – As of Sept 27 2010 only 1200 Coho have entered the river systems. The required escapement is 8000 Coho. If assessments indicate the required escapement is unlikely to be reached the possession limit for Coho will be reduced, possibly varied to (0). Assessments will continue.
The Puntledge River, between signs located 100m upstream and downstream of the confluences with Morrison Creek, is closed to fishing for all salmon species.

Report all violations 24 hours per day to
Great idea! I think its good to have someone from DFO following these forums, that way you will see for yourself some of the issues us recreational anglers have. The fishing forum is a great way to vent our frustrations. And a great way for DFO to let everyone know the regulations.
I don't know how closely I'll follow the forum, but I will use it for the Public Notices

My e-mail usually sits at 500 so it's hard to get in the field due to this computer.

I'd appreciate a call if there's a topic you want me to respond to. I'll go on line and do my best.

Holmes, no one is going to keep 4 Coho a day. Most if not all will release Coho that are under 35 cm. it’s a 2 over and 2 under thing.

Was down at the river today to have a look see. I hear there are around 15K Chinook and 15K Coho in the system right now but where they are hiding I have no clue as I did not see them.

Bryce glad you have taken the time to post on this website. Will put your number on speed dial and I will use it if I see poachers on the river.

Welcome aboard Bryce. Great idea to use this board to distribute Notices and get feedback


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
quote:Originally posted by Cuba Libre

Welcome aboard Bryce. Great idea to use this board to distribute Notices and get feedback


20ft Alumaweld Intruder

X2, Bryce it's nice to see you onboard/online.. Glad to see you out there working and protecting our waters. I still have your card on board my boat. Your a good man...
Hey Bryce,

Welcome aboard and thanks for the post. As you can see emotions can sometimes run high here but I think we all realize you're trying to make a difference and are just a cog in the machine rather than one of the guys causing the problem.

I'm sure you weren't mandated to post info here for us to see and although I certainly can't speak for everyone, I appreciate the info and any future updates/changes you may want to send my way.

I would just add that I hope you can get caught up on email and get out of the office to enforce some of these regs.

Extinction is Forever