Proud of my son in-law.


Well-Known Member
I recently aquired new powder coating equipment and a new walk-in industrial coating oven with a racking system to add into the PEETZ production line.

Then all of a sudden I had way too much equipment. So rather than sell off the older gear, I decided to give it all to my daughter's husband, Joe. Today, just before we trekked down to PEETZ in Victoria to make delivery of my new oven...Joe was sharing his recent successes with the old industrial coating oven and equipment that I gave him a few months back. He did a lot of research and has really done some amazing work so far.

I am proud of him for taking it all hope is that he turns it into a local Port Alberni business. He is already a full-time red seal mechanic and I think this could turn into an awesome opportunity for him to build upon.

He has already coated auto, boat and small parts. It will be fun to watch him grow with it all and see where he takes it.


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