

Active Member
Aluminum or Stainless

That is the question. I have aluminum cause thats what I can afford but I'm thinking of getting ss and keep alumi for back up. What do ya have out there?

In my opinion replacing a prop is cheaper than relacing leg drive shafts so I run aluminum rather than stainless in the chuck. The stainless props are awesome for no flex but they are magnets for debris in the ocean. Until they stop hauling log barges on the coast I will run a prop that I know will blow out rather than have to do leg work. Just my 2 cents.
I have tried both for my boat and ill tell you if you have a heavy boat alum doesnt perform worth beans it flexs too much a S/S is the only way to go if you hit something big enough as a log i dont think either is going to save a leg !!!!!!! maybe even hurt the boat??but tiny little stuff it will bounce of and not hurt a thing with alum it will dent and and then you will be out of tune on your prop and your boat will shake like hell also it may wrek the lower seals being out of round.
It is definatlly a personal thing just learn to drive better and not hit stuff LOL LOL

quote:It is definatlly a personal thing just learn to drive better and not hit stuff

Now why didn't I think of that. Next time I see that log floating in front of me I will steer away from it. Thanks wolf.... your the best for a reason.
I've hit lots of stuff with stainless props, including power dredging the Gordon River at low tide and not had a prob with a gearcase with SS. I think the performance benefits far outweigh the pitfalls, I think the only time where you may bend something is if you hit the hard concrete boatlaunch while powering up on the trailer.
I have an alumn prop on my smaller boat with a 90hp and stainless on the larger boat with the 200hp. In my opinion smaller motors don't bennifit much more from stainless, nor like the extra weight but the larger ones do. The hub on my stainless as most are, is designed to break away on a large impact, but the prop will still hold its shape on smaller impacts, where as the alumn would dent and could cause alot of vibration on the trip home which is equally hard on the bottom end. I figure that the prop is the most important part of the drive train in converting power to propulsion. Just my $.02
quote:Originally posted by marula

...I figure that the prop is the most important part of the drive train in converting power to propulsion. Just my $.02

Stainless in the chuck. Always.

I had a alm. prop on my 150 Optimax, when I played with various pitches I ended up with a 17. After keeping a watchful eye at our local Mariners exchange I found a Mercury Vengence 17p SS prop for $180 !! There was no comparison,200 more rpm @ wot and a much stronger holeshot I will never go back to alm. I may even go for a 19 SS now for longer cruising if the right deal shows up one day.As for hitting junk, I run the Fraser out of Macdonald beach and yup, I have been very careful about debris but I have been on many boats over the years that have dinged alm. and many that just chopped a piece with SS. Like the guys said the vibration from a dinged prop could do alot of damage in short time GO FOR SS and you will get the most performance from your motor.
does anybody know otherwise, i would assume yes,
but you would run the same ss prop as aluminum correct
quote:Originally posted by nedarb2

does anybody know otherwise, i would assume yes,
but you would run the same ss prop as aluminum correct

no, you dont need to run the same prop. The same prop on my boat 21' aluminum 150hp honda
15 dia x 17 pitch aluminum WOT 5800rpm 31to 32mph gps
15 dia x 17 pitch ss WOT 5200rpm 35mph gps
So if I read ya correct if you have Alumi 17 pitch and switch to SS you could possibly go to a 18 or 19 pitch?
Or is it the other way around?


no, you dont need to run the same prop. The same prop on my boat 21' aluminum 150hp honda
15 dia x 17 pitch aluminum WOT 5800rpm 31to 32mph gps
15 dia x 17 pitch ss WOT 5200rpm 35mph gps
Every boat is different you will have to try many a different prop to see which is best for your boat there really isnt an "easy" way you will have to go on trial and error.I tried 7 different props before I settled on one!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
Anyone know of any boat shops poco, newwest that will let you try pops until you find the right one without having to purchase every time?
I would love to go to SS as i have a shelf in my shop with 4 twisted alum. ones. I did have a mishap in may when i was going under second narrows bridge when i hit a piece of wood with my prop, it pushed the piece up onto be cavitation plate and sheared that and the lower section of my engine right off $5800. Insurance deductable--- $100---priceless!!!!!
I have been looking at this site for prop selection. Click on the "Prop Wizard" and go from there. After you find what is recommended, go back to the original page and click on the canadian site.

Since I am just starting to look, can someone let me know if these prices, in canadian, are good ones? I remeber when a SS prop was $500-700. These are for $230-$280 with a hub. Maybe the canadian $ is starting to finally help us.

Went through the prop wizard, and for 150 Opti, 20ft alumi with 2 people on , 50 gal gas, extra weight 300lbs the program spits out 5 different pitches 15, 17, 19, 23, 27......prop diam. 14.5
I believe the 19 since I got a 17 alumi now and WOT is around 5800, motor only calling for 5000 to 5600max.
Dunno about the 27 though
Mercury site's got a prop selector program thats fairly consistent

Just make sure you do all your testing with the same weight/people etc and write down everything WOT how fast at WOT.
how many RPMS it likes at the happy spot of cruising.
You want the best performance out of your prop higer rpms at crusing means more $$$$$$ in gas!!!!Like I said earlier EVERY boat is different you will just have to experiment with them i tried so many different props before I got the one that works the best for me.

Good luck Wolf