I have a 16' zodiac rib that I bought this spring. Boat and motor only weigh about 1000lbs. Side console. 2007 Yamaha f50 came with the boat. Currently running 11.25"x14 prop. I only do 20-22 knots top speed. Sometimes less. I have a hard time getting on plane with 4 adults.
I recently added a tach and most of the time WOT is only 4k rpm. In perfect conditions I've hit 4600. I verified my faria tach is correct by checking against my multimeter on frequency mode. Motor should be 5-6k WOT. Idle looks set correct
Would 10⅜×13 be a good prop to try next?
I recently added a tach and most of the time WOT is only 4k rpm. In perfect conditions I've hit 4600. I verified my faria tach is correct by checking against my multimeter on frequency mode. Motor should be 5-6k WOT. Idle looks set correct
Would 10⅜×13 be a good prop to try next?

10-3/8X13RH Quicksilver Black Diamond Propeller (QA2078X)
10-3/8X13RH Quicksilver Black Diamond propeller for your Mercury, Mariner, Force, Yamaha or Honda. Flo Torq hub kit included. Part #s QA2078X, 48-73136A40, 58130-ZV5-012AH, and 6H5-45943-00-EL.