Problem? Oil Leak? Seal?


Well-Known Member
Uncovered the boat the other day and noticed an oil stain leading from the prop hub onto the skeg of the mighty Johnson.
Never seen a mark like this before.
Any ideas?
Unless a really simple fix, will probably take to a mechanic but like to have some idea of what's happening first.

Possibly fuel/oil residue from fogging engine when you put it away? Looks too dark to be oil from the leg.
Looks typical for a 2 stroke that runs a bit rich on oil or didn't get up to full temperature last time it ran. Oily exhaust. Wouldn't worry about it. My old Johnson had this regularly as well.
No problem at all, like others said that is coming from the exhaust. Take a cloth and wipe off the skeg. Problem solved ;).
Looks like oily exaust,like cris73 said. You may want to check your therostats.I had a very similar problem,and switched
them out. Problem solved. Either one or both were probably stuck open.
Normal for 2 strokes when they sit for an extended period without running. Unburnt oil from the exhaust.
Rub your finger in it and smell it, you can't miss the smell of gear oil. If it does not smell like gear oil should be ok.
totally normal for the environmentally friendly 2 stroke.Unburt oil drains down the exhaust housing and runs out below the prop

i remember as a kid going out on the water and around 11am on totally still day a blue cloud and the smell of two stoke oil would cover like a thin fog.
glad those days are almost gone.
Also the viscosity of gearcase oil would make it run down the skeg in a very thin line then drip onto the ground. That oil/fuel has spread out what looks like an inch and a half to 2 inches before dropping off the skeg. That means a lighter viscosity...therefor 2 stroke motor oil.
Ok, as always, thanks for the responses guys.
Unburnt oil it is.
As mentioned, never seen/noticed this before.
Had a wild thought motor might be toast and it might be a reason for a new 4 stroke.
No luck.