Pro Troll HotChip 8, 11`` Flashers- anyone using them

Finished Business

Well-Known Member
Just kicking around the information world...

has anyone tried the HotChip flashers by pro-trollÉ

They have an imbedded ball bearing rattle that produces an electric pulse in the water to attract fish.

They claim the catch rate is as good as 5 to 1.

Anyone put them to useÉ I was doing reading on flasher mods and thought this was a creative idea.
I have a 4 letter word for any echip devices. CRAP!
I have used them on and off for the last several years. I have found that they are not as well made as other flashers in that they loss their finish faster. The tiny ball bearing inside the metal capsule also tends to get stuck and stops moving back and forth to produce the tiny electric charge supposed to attract fish. Lastly, I have also not noticed any real improvement in catch rates with them over regular flashers. IMO they are a waste of time.
probably all I need to hear. I figured it was a little gimicky. I guess if it wasn`t broke, they still tried to fix it.

Thanks guys.

What about the other flashers on the marketÉ OKI, Gibbs, Hotspot, Coyote (LuhrJ)....

are any heads above the rest or does each have its own shortcomings and benefits

thoughts appreciated, thanks lads
I thought they were called pro troll E-Chip flashers? no?

I think I know the ones you mean. I do have one, it does at times get wet and it does at times catch fish. I can't say they catch more or less than other flashers though. It's just like everything else, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Like whole in the water said the tape they use is lower quality but IMO the snaps are better than the big shooters (which are terrible check em each time out they can corrode and break if not rinsed off - happened to two flashers lucky I noticed the problem before dropping it down both times).
I have used them on and off for the last several years. I have found that they are not as well made as other flashers in that they loss their finish faster. The tiny ball bearing inside the metal capsule also tends to get stuck and stops moving back and forth to produce the tiny electric charge supposed to attract fish. Lastly, I have also not noticed any real improvement in catch rates with them over regular flashers. IMO they are a waste of time.

I met a Guy who had a great idea-his friend was a commercial troller and he figured they'd run e-chips on one side of the boat and regular flashers on the other to see if there really was something to the idea.

Unfortunately the chips started falling off under real world tackle handling conditions so the experiment was a bust.
have run one e-chip pro troll flasher a few times out this fall

but its a big 0 so far that's been with hoochie's spoon's and fake bait in the teaser head

just a waiting game for a few fish to turn up in the Sound
I have one and used it with success... The same amount compared to the regular ones.

The biggest pita about the is when it is on the port side (and both flashers are on the surface) it will track to the starboard one(regular flasher). Fished on the starboard side they track away from the boat.

A gimmick I would have to say.... finish has stayed on well.

I wouldn't buy another one