ya thats a good idea
you should say where you got it too, and how much it weighs.
man, spooled again, that thing is a real football too eh?
anyways, here is my best co-catch.
I was guiding last summer off Malcolm in Blackfish sound. There were a bunch of families and couples at the lodge at the time, and I was deemed the women/children boat. Don't get me wrong, I like kids, and I really like ladies

, but I was excited because it was supposed to be really good fishing and none of my guests were quite as determined as I was.
Anyways, I thought it was going to be a bit of a slow day because we left the dock about an hour after everyone else, and I had four guests who weren't particularily interested in fishing. Boy was I wrong.
We pulled in to fish and only got one rod in the water and had one on. The first of the 2 brothers, I think he was 9, did a great job on the reel but it shook off after about 10 mins. So, I tossed down the rig that hadn't been hit (whole herring, no flasher) and barely got moving when another hit. This one, however, did not shake off. Carmen Salazar of Mexico caught her very first salmon, at 52 lbs, in a short, but thrilling, 12 minute fight.
Another interesting statistic is that the lodge I work at has caught I think 6 over 50, and 3 of them were caught by women, even though at least 90% of our guests are men.
The moral is; take women fishing.
I don't have any pics of carmen and the fish on my computer so here are some of me and it; In the second pic, I held it way out so it looks like a mammoth.
Also, here is a funny pic of my cousins and my halloween costumes. I realize this is sort of random, but I saw it in my photobucket and they are pretty funny. We had a small hole in the mouth with a tube sticking out so we could drink beer, and the tube was long enough so that we could put the beer in our pocket and have both hands free(just don't sit down!).
Thanks Captain Dudds
Edited by - Captain Dudds on 02/09/2006 11:25:28