Port Renfrew Marina

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Reel Deal

Anyone had any experiences mooring their boat at the marina --- good ---bad or ugly ? Appreciate the feed-back!
Not bad the tides come into play the run down the river can be bit tricky otherwise not bad. Many a prop have been dinged.The operator at the marina will tellyou the way to go.
Are you able to get out regardless of the tide high or low ? do they have a web site? Have they been in operation for quite a while or are they new -I have not been up there to experience first hand.

Thanks for the info!
you can't get out at a low tide...
they post the tides on a chaulkboard at the marina
but it's better to have your own tide guide to check.

have spent a couple early mornings standing around
on the dock waiting for the flood.

They let you know when the tides are too low to get out so you could phone in advance to get that info. I have only been going there for 4years so relatively new to it. Only damaged one prop so not too bad as there had to be a learning curve there. Moorage is good, fuel available and the operators are freindly and helpful. Your best bet is to go with someone that has been there before though because there are a few "hazards" that you have to be aware of. Once you know where they are then you are set. Make sure you have a GPS too and take compass bearings because when she fogs in it can be a little interesting.
Last year the owners of the marina dredged the river about 18",now most low tides are possible to go out on. The marina also has a fuel dock,and power to some campsites.
I don't know if dredging annually is going to happen as Fisheries and Oceans seem to be keeping an eye on such activity. I agree, follow someone who knows the route and when the tide is low use your kicker. Last year the route was: stay right around the first bend (a sand bar is just off to the left off the bend that seems to cause problems), stay in close on the right side of the bank, then aim for the docks, then aim for the bouys, and stay right as you pass the spit. Watch your sounder and don't be in a rush. I have found at low tides you have about 18 inches as well. Wait an hour after the begining of the flood if you can't get out as it takes at least that amount of time to see some rise and the flood means you are bucking the tide/flow going out.
"I don't know if dredging annually is going to happen as Fisheries and Oceans seem to be keeping an eye on such activity."
Quite agree!
Glad to see I'm not the only one who caught the apparent contradiction of a marina destroying fish spawning habitat.
Sad part is the logging companies have been dredging that river for many years,So not much of a spawning ground.
Exactly,Its only a 150 foot section and definately not spawning grounds.
Does any one have a phone number of the marina so I may contact owners and pursue further.

Whatever you do don't leave any bait or other delectable goodies in your boat(even in the covered well or bait tank) , besides the gulls and crows the resident otter population will come in and leave an indescribable mess.

Missed a small crab one time and came back several hours later to pick up a water bottle for filling and found them having a wonderful time in the boat, crap everywhere !

Some of the campsites now have power,A big bonus is that they don't have to run the big generator all day to make electricity as in the past.

C'ya on the water.