Please sign petition opposing the Hazardous Waste Proposal on the Fraser River!

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
Moving this petition here to give it more visibility and get more signers. C'mon people we can't let this thing be placed in the flood plain of the Fraser. Please take a moment to sign the petition. Thanks.

Please check out petition opposing the Hazardous Waste Proposal for the banks of the Fraser River. A very serious potential threat to the world's #1 salmon river. Many of your organizatins have demonstrated support for the "Protect the Fraser Coalition" Please forward to your memberships & all that would have concerns about a facility of this type. We appreciate that today's world requires facilities of this type. A precautionary approach suggests they should be located as far away as possible from any watersheds.

The position of the coalition is as follows: "We are not opposed to the facility" "We are opposed to the location"
You can bet as always its going in (sigh)... people have been paid and there are probably a lot of me you have no idea what goes on.. Keep pushing chances are it will go in then you will sit in appeal with MOE forever!

In Shawnigan we have been waiting a decision on toxic soil ( basically soil from construction sites/gas stations etc and other sources) being dumped in near our lake where we all pull our drinking water, and also right adjacent to all of Greater Victoria Sooke Lake water supply. Its dumped into a liner and shawnigan creek is not even 100 feet from it which flows in lake. This waste comes from mainland, and throughout Vancouver Island as people in those communities will not have it dumped there.

The government takes advantage of us as we are a small community... So there is no incentive. Christy Clark has rejected to come here several times, and won't speak about it.... Just keeps throwing it under rug.

First nations was given some engineering work and some excavators,and possible employment at the facility to give there support.. I total kick in face to our community.

The facility is fully operational, and to **** the community off the government granted them temporary permit to dump ahead of decision. Even if this decision is repealed we still will have this soil to deal with.

The hearing through MOE are finished in early summer...Government simply won't budge, and dragged it out with lawyers to end and know they are dragging out decision.... Its almost exact same thing except Frasier is on bigger scale. It's really scary to go through, and makes you understand you really don't have much say sometimes when it comes to these big projects...

That really ****** news this happening somewhere else...
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