Pink Hootchies

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Anyone else having trouble finding Pink Hootchies in Courtenay? I just found them at Zellers for 3.99 a pack. Every where else seems to be sold out. They have 2 packs left. Dam thier tackle is cheap. Cheaper then Walmart.

Funny thing I seen there was Little Chiefs in one aisle was $99 and $129 in the next aisle. Big Chiefs were $129 in the aisle the the LC was $99. The guy tried to tell me the price was correct.
try pnt in coombs, prolly got bags of em in 10 different sizes,, a lil drive from courtenay i guess..
I was, and was told good luck finding them. I even had a friend say he couldn't see them at Gone Fishing. Guessing he is color blind as they had racks of them. But not for $3.99.
Duffer, a pack seems to be worth about $5.99 and up these days. Don't you look at your bills? Guess I wouldn't either if I had your kind of money. :)
So you would rather spend 5 bucks on gas to save one dollar, Id much rather spend a little extra and support a local buisness then go to Walmart and buy something there. I guess its just my belief, someday supporting local buisness may pay off. Get my drift?? Also I just feel better and you definately cant complain about the customer service!! Enough said...
Just an observation:-

It might pay in the long run to go with an established brand like Yamashita on hoochies of any size.

I see lot's of these cheaper hoochies in places like Can Tire and such......but I notice the "Glow" variety don't glow half as long as the better hoochies even though they look identical.
Or they will be the same hoochy...but....they don't have the red color behind the eye.

or they will be really thick material........or they will have a sloppy job of eyes on them.....or they will be slightly off the color you were looking for ( especially pink).

If you can't get them around town and you have to spend 20 bucks on gas to Nanaimo or somewhere then it's cheaper to just pick up the phone and order from Nikka or Berry's etc. ( Only problem with mail have to wait....not good if you need them right now...).