Pictures in your Posts


Active Member

You asked for it you got it!!!!! Just paste the link from photobucket or other picture hosting sites on the post then highlight it and click on the new icon on the format bar for pictures and providing your link is good the picture will show up in your post.

Any misuse of this feature may result in being warned or being banned from this site. Keep it clean!!!!!!;)

The Moderating Team
Summer steelhead caught just at dusk.
Awkward angle for the pic as she's in my left hand facing away from me and I'm taking the pic with my right hand held back behind me.
Five jumps and into my backing three times too.
Helluva nice little fish.

Take care.

Sometimes it helps to be a good wader. :D

Take care.

Here is one from the last week in March 2007
SSS system chromers