Perfect for storing your flashers


Active Member
I used to store my flashers at the bottom of my tackle box, then bought a cheap dollar store tupperware box that was better but they never fit perfectly and the dollar store quality meant the lid never fit properly and was always popping off. Then I found this a few days ago. It's meant for storing shotgun shells but fits a stack of flashers perfectly. $12.99 at Canadian Tire, I just might buy another.

Not a bad idea. I'd suggest keeping one full of shot gun shells as intended for seal encounters.
Make sure everything is 100% dry before you put them in there or they may be solid rust next time you go to use them. I believe that container is made to keep moisture out ??? If so, it may also keep moisture in.....not a good scenario for any wet tackle. makes and sells a great soft breatheable flasher bag that is super compact and holds 6 flashers in separate pouches. Ask Osama about them. He swears by them and probably has 6 or 8 of them on his boat, cause he has a tackle hoarding problem like most of us, but x 10.
Thanks AS!

We do something similar with a rubbermaid box, but it is wimpy.
I am going to snag a few of those boxes (I swear that flashers are breeding in my garage lol)
As to the rust situation, when home my kid's job is to give the flasher box a good rinse with fw, then leave them to air dry. Never been a rust problem since.
Looks good thanks.

ANyone have issue with the 'haze' getting tacky and rubbing off? I usually rinse my flashers but for some reason on is staying sticky and rubbing off..?
Great find Angelina summer. I'm going to pick one up. Could you re-post this in the Tips and Tricks Forum? Others might find this useful and may look there.
I found an old tackle box in the attic about the same size and tore out the folding compartments. Works OK. Also, my wife made a folding 'wallet' from an old flannel bed sheet, holds 6 flashers and prevents them from getting scratched. I'm begging her to make a couple more but she said I must provide fresh ling cod first (along with fresh prawns= the only way to her heart). I've just started in this game so excluding a heap of old flashers from the 60's I only have a few so far. Cheers; twogone
Canadiantire has the Plano ammo boxes on for half price this week starting tonight. Boxes also come in a couple of different sizes. Picked up a couple of the shotgun and one that is twice as high.