P-Line Hoochies.....


Well-Known Member
I know there's a couple of killer hoochies made by P-Line that work in these waters. It seems they are sold at random here and there by P-Line recommended "dealers". But when you look up the dealers they don't show or list their P-line hoochies. Anybody know of a V.I. "dealer" that carries the full line of their hoochies? CanTire has a few....Harb.Chan. has a few.......everybody has a "few" but it seems like an afterthought sideline on their part. I don't think I can buy direct from P-Line on the net.....seems sort of an obscure company. Got any info on this company? Who are they? Going to go poke around on e-bay and see what's there.......Thanks in the meantime.......
We do big orders from p line directly every year. They have an online catalog as well. If you contact them I'm sure you can order directly from them if you are ordering enough (10-20 probably won't be enough)
Trotac has some on hand if not ask one of the boys if they can get it in for you....