Well-Known Member
Preface: I have gone up to Langara Island 1-2 times a year for the last 5 years. While there, I motor-mooch exclusively, no riggers.
Last year while I was at Langara, the head guide states "don't try to re-invent the wheel our techniques and advice has been perfected over many years". I believe him BUT, I seems to have OCD when it comes to thinking about tips, tricks and or other methods that will outfish everyone else. Now to the point of this silly post...
1. Has anyone tried using colored brine for their herring up in the charlottes? If so, what colour would work best?
2. I have seen the bait cut in many ways, I am happy with my rolls, so I wont change that BUT what do people think works better? Tail hook loose (unattached)or stuck back in neatly in the arse?
3. Anyone every try anchovy instead of herring up there? (this one is probably a stretch)
4. If motor mooching, any other secrets outside of SLOWER!
5. How about adding scent to the herring?
6. Is dynamite ever used in salmon fishin

Just day dreaming, please take my ideas//questions with a slight grain of salt. I have been accused of getting too wrapped up in the details...just keep your line in the water..I know
Last year while I was at Langara, the head guide states "don't try to re-invent the wheel our techniques and advice has been perfected over many years". I believe him BUT, I seems to have OCD when it comes to thinking about tips, tricks and or other methods that will outfish everyone else. Now to the point of this silly post...
1. Has anyone tried using colored brine for their herring up in the charlottes? If so, what colour would work best?
2. I have seen the bait cut in many ways, I am happy with my rolls, so I wont change that BUT what do people think works better? Tail hook loose (unattached)or stuck back in neatly in the arse?
3. Anyone every try anchovy instead of herring up there? (this one is probably a stretch)
4. If motor mooching, any other secrets outside of SLOWER!
5. How about adding scent to the herring?
6. Is dynamite ever used in salmon fishin

Just day dreaming, please take my ideas//questions with a slight grain of salt. I have been accused of getting too wrapped up in the details...just keep your line in the water..I know

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