Otter tips


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any good tips on how to keep Otters from com'in on board ? Last night had to clean out a decomposed crab he decided to dine on in my helm area while I was away- - the otter stench and rotten crab almost made me puke. He's been using my boat a few times this winter lol

Is there a repellant or trick out there ?
I leave a small radio on all the time.. If you have an old Billy Bass with the sensor or anything with a sensor seems to work. It has been an on going battle for myself over the years.
the old fur traders of this coast made huge $$$$$$$ taking pelts to China for hats !!!
maybe time to get a trappers lic.?
i like the radio idea though.
We haven't had any issues since we started to leave both cayenne pepper in the area of the boat they liked to hang out and a couple rat traps in the path that they took to get there. Prior to that, they were a real nuisance.
the old fur traders of this coast made huge $$$$$$$ taking pelts to China for hats !!!
Those were Sea Otters not the River Otters shitting all over his boat.

We haven't had any issues since we started to leave both cayenne pepper in the area of the boat they liked to hang out and a couple rat traps in the path that they took to get there.
Good idea! They're not smart like Rats are.
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A good place to buy cheap Chili powder is East Indian grocery stores in the bulk spices section and it is strong.

The Squirrels that were feeding on the bird seed here know all about that stuff.
The whale watcher in Sooke has had problems with the river otters shitting and chewing on his bench seats. He covered all the seats in mouse traps so not to really hurt them but to make his boat less inviting. I think they are smart enough to figure it out after the first trap snaps down on a foot.