On the Third Cast............

John Ingram

Well-Known Member
at Ten Mile Point today. Just about ready to pull the lure out of the water and see a flash of white/grey head towards the
Buzz Bomb..... Wham!! Zing!!!!!! and then a quick long run along the shore up pops a 40# harbour seal with a new piece of bling
nose jewellery (sp.)..
Managed to bring it in to the leader and cut the main line off. Good thing it was a Buzz Bomb hook..... Should rust out
in a week or so.... Thought for sure I caught a nice winter spring or a nice late Coho... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I was fishing in Steveston once and I hooked into something big. It took of like a chum but wouldn’t stop. My reel was just whizzing as the line was being ripped off the spool. Then I saw a big seal tear off over a log and my line snapped.

So fun until I realized it was the seal that I had snagged.