oil change


Well-Known Member
hey guys,
it's time to do an oil change on the twin d4.2L cummins diesels in my maxweld. the boats out of the water right now so it can't get any water for the heat exchangers. and where it's parked there isn't a source of water. I was thinking of just starting the engines for a few minutes to heat up the oil before pumping out and replacing. was thinking I should pull the impellers first before doing this. it only takes a few minutes to do... just looking for suggestions, comments before doing this. anyone else do it with the boat out of the water? any other steps I should be taking?
thxs for any and all suggestions, comments,
I would just pull it cold, if it will pump.
A few min of running at idle wont change the oil temp much.
thxs for the replies guys. hadn't given the bellows consideration. maybe i'll leave it for next time i'm out on the water anchored. or just do it cold...
was actually thinking of that a couple days ago.... I have one hanging up on the wall of my garage. I don't have power where my boats parked though. could always start up the generator... wonder if those work off a thermostat? will find out quick enough I guess. Think I'll give it a shot. it won't help in getting any heavier deposits from going into suspension though. one drawback of not starting the engines. I was going to pump out as much as I can then try to see if I can reach the drain plug and put a shallow pan underneath to get anything remaining on the bottom of the oilpan. that is if this weather cools down a bit. not going to do it in this 32-34C stuff that's been hanging around. at least not in the middle of the day. early morning or late evening will be the best.
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Sucking 15w40 cold would be a long process without an expensive pump

I just filled both lower units (gear lube) with the same pump i'll be using to remove the oil. I was suprised how quickly the lower units filled up with just using a 1/4" clear vinyl hose with a makeshift reducing adapter I built. and it was pumping gear lube. mind you that's only around 3 qts to fill per lower unit. the diesels take around 12.75 qts to fill up ( or drain). and I won't be sucking it through a 1/4" tube fortunately. the drainhose is about the size of regular gardenhose. it's a liitle different than sucking it through the oil dipstick the way that alot of gas engines are setup. prob helps when it's as warm as it is around here.