Nootka hali Aug 13 _17


Well-Known Member
So me and the miss have a trip planned to nootka Critter Cove 13th till 17th. We're going to be primarily salmon fishing but...couple questions are the tides any good for halibut fishing. Best I could find online was the tide coefficient of 68....what would be a good number to consider halibut anchoring at that time and what's the usual MO..drift fishing or anchoring I would prefer to drift if possible. Don't need anyone's secret spots but a general area would be helpful I could research from there are there any closed areas. Closest to home base the best.
I do not worry about tides on the West Coast for Hali fishing when offshore. I don't find it makes that big a diff there. And, personally I don't think its a great idea on the West coast to drop the anchor. Just my view as I'm sure others will disagree. You can fish perfectly back trolling/drifting off Nootka for Hali. On a reasonable day I back troll all the time. That is any day winds are 10 mph or less. Wave depends on what your boat can handle. I admit I have been caught out in some crappy weather but it didn't start that way.
Pescador is right, don't worry about the tides on the West coast. Drifting is what we do, always out there. Have had no problems hooking up with chickens out there. Legal max size are harder to find in our experience. That may take some time or some local knowledge. Pm me if you want some more detailed info.
