Nicola River Bank Stabilization and Restoration Project

The Steelhead Society , Drift Fishers and Kingfishers and many others have been putting a lot of time and money up there for while... its the only plan of attack that we can do & have some control over..:)
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Unfortunately, the limiting factor for juvenile salmonid production in the Nicola has been identified for a long time and it is summer and fall flows, and in particular temperature refugia from the extreme water temperatures that result from low flows in late summer in that watershed. Without improved minimum flows during the critical time periods, we can restore all the banks we want and it unfortunately won't have a population level response. Analagous to providing more beds in a house that is too hot and doesn't have enough oxygen for folks to survive.

total agree....and at this point will never get enough water as long as hay and cows are more important then fish...:(
Nicola Dam completion project, which gets resurrected for discussion every 5-years or so, is a potential source as DFO and MoE are still owed fishery base flows from the original dam construction. However, the ranching community claims back logged licenses for more than 3x what such a project could provide. If history serves, we all know where the water would go … pretty amazing fish in that system, the ones that are able to eke out an existence tolerate water temps and D.O.'s that normally kill salmonids in short order.
