Nice Afternoon


Active Member
Sooke Bluffs, 1435 hr, 75 ft app 10lb Spring, nothing after.
No feed in it. Caught on Anchovie. Quite a few small Lings stealing my bait. Good sign I think.

B Gibb
i went scuba diving on wednesday, not at sooke bluffs, at the breakwater, but anyways, there were loads of lings around. i've never seen so many there, every time i turned my head i was face to face with another ling. but they weren't all small ones like you said, some were pretty big, hard to estimate when you see them under water.

Captain Dudds
I hear this often from divers....Curious fish them Lings.

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!

Mr. Dean
A buddy of mine got bit in the arse a few years back when he tried to spear a ling. The fish came right at him and lached on. Ruined a good wet suit.

Lings are more than curious. They are mean.
Being spawning season, the male lings are in shallow water guarding the eggs. If anything comes near the eggs, they try to attack it. Thats actually what seals do, they go through kelp beds during spawning time and the lingcod come out to attack them. Easy meal for a seal.
Its nasty down there in the sea.I always get creeped out by kelp beds

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
ahh, yes diving. I did a lot of diving in the early eighties in victoria, port renfrew, gabriola island. Those were the best times and I know exactly what you mean about the kelp forests. 100 ft plus dives, night dives. Then you could keep abalone and i remember abalone beds so thick in port renfrew that you could not touch bottom without stepping on one.

Any one that remotely considering diving, DO IT, its anouther world down there.