News From The North re: Springs


Well-Known Member
Just received this from a commercial troll colleague (Good Buddy) this morning:

"Greetings from southeast Alaska. I think the high abundance prediction for returning kings is true! Many trollers had their personal best day shattered. What's scary, is the bite continues! Be ready, my friend... A wall of fish is headed your way! Eagerly anticipating to use your spoons. Snake size needlefish are around!"

Apparently the southeast Alaskan troll fleet in smack in the middle of some of The Best fishing for springs they've ever seen!
Uber Abundance!!
And in following conversations he notes they are "Very Good Sized" ranging well up into the 40's!

Most likely suggests we will see one hell of an interesting August Folks! :D
Time to sharpen your hooks and make some plans methinks!!

Thought I'd share some of the Good News... ;)

Awesome Nog, I will be over there staying in a float home near Kildonan August 8-11, hopefully they will be there and I will have a mess of your spoons to use. Thanks for the report buddy.
stars align.... 21 days here...
Thanks for that Nog. Just back from Ukee. Will be processing a bigger strain of fish compared to last year in the morning. Left the boat there for trips July 16-20 (Tofino) and Aug 2-6. Plus one more Aug 15-17 on a buddy's boat. Hoping for some skirmishes with a few big ones.
8 more days before I get to spend 35 days straight in knootka shaping up to be awesome !!!!!!

Tight lines