Newbie Here (with a couple questions)


Hey guys,
My buddy and I have decided we want to give fishing a shot.
I've done some reading here and we made our first attempt on Monday off the Ogden Pt breakwater, though all we caught was a good laugh from some guys getting drenched from the pilot boat wake.
All in all it was a success though, I left with the same amount of tackle I showed up with (was running a single hook to avoid snags). My buddy wasn't quite so fortunate, and donated a couple buzz bombs to the kelp.

We made an attempt at Prospect off the rocks with powerbait last night, again no luck, though my buddy caught someone elses weight/lure off the bottom, so we left with more tackle than we showed up with (another success I would say).

We're taking a stab at the Sidney Pier tonight, (going to drop some crab traps).
I've heard there are sole out that way, as well as greenlings and dogfish. I'm wondering what sort of fish we should target/what would provide us with the most likely success (I've been reading up and actually want to try dogfish)?
Any suggestions on lures/bait? I have frozen squid, big & small spoons, and some rubber soft baits (look like little grubs, worms, roe clusters) but am not opposed to getting other gear.

For now we'd just be stoked to get something on our rod, but anything edible would be even better!

Another question - When we were at Ogden Pt on Monday we got there around 8, and fished until dusk. As we were leaving there were quite a few people showing up (all older asian people with little white buckets in hand) and fishing off the top. They seemed to be catching quite a bit of something small (didn't get a good look, it was dark and I was hungry). I was curious if someone knew what they were fishing/if these guys knew something we didn't, or if what they were fishing for was even legal/legit? (A couple of the guys were giving us pretty shady looks)
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Off the breakwater I would just use a big single pronged hook and herring stick a nickel in its belly cast it out and let it sit on the bottom and some times catch some really big lings.its cheaper than using buzz bombs
Those Asians were probably catching sea bass . When I was a kid I used to catch them as well off of there . Just when it starts getting dark was the best time ..All you need is a single hook with a small piece of white rag on it . They used to come in by the schools, jumping everywhere

Ogden Point
Not sure how or if it has changed from years ago.
If there are divers down? No
Seen salmon caught there from the very end.
Gaps in the kelp are the only other cast area.
Long casting rod using fresh line.
Don't use knife edge hooks. They cut the line up.
Buy a lure retriever if you can find one.
If you hook the bottom don't break the rod or reel.
Bring a net.

Hey guys,
My buddy and I have decided we want to give fishing a shot.
I've done some reading here and we made our first attempt on Monday off the Ogden Pt breakwater, though all we caught was a good laugh from some guys getting drenched from the pilot boat wake.
All in all it was a success though, I left with the same amount of tackle I showed up with (was running a single hook to avoid snags). My buddy wasn't quite so fortunate, and donated a couple buzz bombs to the kelp.

We made an attempt at Prospect off the rocks with powerbait last night, again no luck, though my buddy caught someone elses weight/lure off the bottom, so we left with more tackle than we showed up with (another success I would say).

We're taking a stab at the Sidney Pier tonight, (going to drop some crab traps).
I've heard there are sole out that way, as well as greenlings and dogfish. I'm wondering what sort of fish we should target/what would provide us with the most likely success (I've been reading up and actually want to try dogfish)?
Any suggestions on lures/bait? I have frozen squid, big & small spoons, and some rubber soft baits (look like little grubs, worms, roe clusters) but am not opposed to getting other gear.

For now we'd just be stoked to get something on our rod, but anything edible would be even better!

Another question - When we were at Ogden Pt on Monday we got there around 8, and fished until dusk. As we were leaving there were quite a few people showing up (all older asian people with little white buckets in hand) and fishing off the top. They seemed to be catching quite a bit of something small (didn't get a good look, it was dark and I was hungry). I was curious if someone knew what they were fishing/if these guys knew something we didn't, or if what they were fishing for was even legal/legit? (A couple of the guys were giving us pretty shady looks)
Don't target dog fish, they are the rats of the sea.

What's wrong with dogfish?? They are just the same as any other shark and when cooked properly, make a very tasty meal. In fact, I specifically target them for myself. And, as an added bonus, no bones to deal with.

When people first found I kept them, I was told that they are not edible. But, many folks have since rethought themselves after trying it.

I posted my prep/cooking methods in the recipe forum.
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Well, off the Sidney pier today we ended up with a sole (6" long maybe, so back it went) 2 dogfish (1shook itself loose while hoisting it up) my buddy kept the other, so he's my guinea pig, but it should be fine, that's what you get if you order fish and chips in the UK.
No legal size crabs, but a dozen or so that were just shy or female. Gotta say it's definitely more exciting if you get something on the line!
Well, off the Sidney pier today we ended up with a sole (6" long maybe, so back it went) 2 dogfish (1shook itself loose while hoisting it up) my buddy kept the other, so he's my guinea pig, but it should be fine, that's what you get if you order fish and chips in the UK.
No legal size crabs, but a dozen or so that were just shy or female. Gotta say it's definitely more exciting if you get something on the line!

Yep. In a lot of places, dogfish are replacing other species because their easy to get, overpopulated in many areas of the world and considered "garbage" by many therefore cheap to buy. I've even heard of one place that is using dogfish as a substitute lobster meat with synthetic flavoring to taste like lobster. I won't mention the name as they would neither confirm or deny the story. But, I would be willing most that had it did not know it but liked it just the same.
Years ago when I first moved here and before I started fishing we used to buy smoked dogfish from Whiskey Pete in Coombs. It was excellent and led me to my smoking of salmon and tuna today.
BTW I saw Pete fight and boat a monster last night at Sangster.
Stevo911....just remember you have to "prep" dogfish I'd read the threads on dogfish...

You can't just fillet and eat them......or you'll get sick probably......
Stevo911....just remember you have to "prep" dogfish I'd read the threads on dogfish...

You can't just fillet and eat them......or you'll get sick probably......

I clubbed a doggie years ago just to try one. I didnt know anybetter and did no special prep. Tasted like any rock fish I ever had. Maybe the texture was slightly different but very slight. I felt fine after. THats just me tho. You catch an adult dogfish and there going to be some 2 nice fillets come off it. For me it was just a bit creapy to clean it then eat it but maybe I could get used to it.
Their skin is full of dogfish ****.......they pee through their have to soak them in milk I think it is to get rid of the ureic acid first........
Their skin is full of dogfish ****.......they pee through their have to soak them in milk I think it is to get rid of the ureic acid first........

so do all sharks... and many other types of fish for that matter. not really a huge deal in my opinion.

really doesn't taste half bad, no bones. Just a little freaked out filleting and eating them!
Well my buddy ate up the dogfish, and he liked it, so I guess we'll be keeping them!
Did an outing to 10 mile point on Tuesday, chucked out a banana weight with some squid, that got snagged real good, and ended up donating that to the ocean, and my buddy lost a couple buzz bombs and spinnows. I guess we'll chalk that one up to learning experience!
I went for another outing last night for 30 mins off the sidney pier, caught some sort of fish that looked kind of lingcoddy/rock fishy. Wasn't sure what it was (was about 12" long and a few pounds) but after searching around I think it was a Cabezon?
I'll post up a pic when I get it off my cell.
Anybody have any other suggestions on places to shore cast that maybe aren't so snaggy (or are productive)? I'd like to check out something out near lands end/deep cove, ardmore or island view since I live on the peninsula. I'll be giving cattle point a look at some point as well. (I'm not fussy on what I fish for, if I get something on my hook other than rocks or kelp I'm stoked, if its something I can eat, even better!)