New Scotty release clip not holding


Well-Known Member
We picked up a few Scotty release clip’s around nd this time last year. Finally put one into action and it would not hold. Tried the rest and same result.

I think I came across a discussion on this but I can’t find it now. So the question is.

Have any of you run into this? If so do you know if there is a fix I can do ? Bin a year since we got them and I added a longer line between clip and rigger connector, so not sure sending them back to Scotty for exchange will be ok.

Thanks . Ray
Obvious question - are you using them on the extra tension position - i.e. tension tab pulled out?

You can try cleaning with rubbing alcohol. You can also buy the replacement bright green rubber pads which is cheaper then whole new clips. Obviously the holding ability can be impacted by how thick your main line is, how deep you are fishing, how fast you are moving and if it is with or against the tide. Maybe got a bad batch?
Had this problem a few times. Really bugging me one time, couldn’t fix, even buying new clips. Was dosing baits with herring oil and it was getting on the clips. Stopped using oil on the baits and the problem went away…….I dunno.🤷‍♂️
I’ve had the same thing happen. 2 clips, bought at the same time, both were garbage right out of the package. Bought on sale, go figure. New pads, but I’ll be trying ship happens remedy.
Dunno if it will help this situation, but i find when mine slip it’s because they’re dirty or contaminated with scent or something greasy. Cleaning them with a paper towel and isopropyl alcohol usually fixes it.
The last batches of clips have not held up, I buy a bucket at a time and noticed that many brand new clips fail out of the box. I have tried every modification mentioned above - they don't seem to work for long. Tried swapping out the yellow pads - no luck. Used a bead to boost the holding power - only makes minor difference for a short while. One theory was the yellow pads are getting slimed up by algae - so I tried washing them and leaving them out to dry up and then re-using them later - no luck.

Really not sure what the solution is other than I carry 50 clips on the boat and they are all set up on quick changes so I can remove/install new clips in couple of seconds. I'm out for a hundred days, so don't have the option of getting more clips in-season so have to carry in what I will use over the season.
I’ve had a few that don’t hold, on the heavy setting, right out of the box. Pretty frustrating when you’re fishing 200’+. It seems like their plastic recipe is a bit off, and the plastic tips are too hard and/or too slippery. My solution is to take the tips off and give them a light sanding, with 150-200 grit. Seems to work for me, so far. Now I carry a couple sheets of sandpaper, on the boat.