New RCA's


Active Member
On Nov 1st I attended the DFO open house in Nanaimo. Athough this was my first time attending one of these functions, I was disapointed in the number of recrational fishers that turned out.
There are a number of alarming things happening to our fishery!
One of the most immediate, is a proposal for a new Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) in Beechy Bay. It covers from inside Fraser Is to Wolf Is and out to Aldridge Pt. If this comes into effect in the 2006/2007 fishing season you can say goodbye to one of the best winter spring fishing spots in protected waters.
Now is the time to speak out! Let your concerns known to:
Gary Logan - Rockfish and lingcod sustainability team
e-mail -
tel - (604)666-6810 fax - (604)666-0417
mail - Habitat and Enhancement Branch
Suite 200-401 Burrard St. Vancouver V6C3S4
Lets try to be constructive and suggest parts of the bay which would still allow the main part of Beechy Bay open for salmon fishing.
Are salmon rockfish<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Are salmon rockfish<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
these areas are designated 'fin fish closures'.You don't even pull out a rod in these areas.
I was at some of the original RCA meetings some years ago in Vic and in the gulf islands.They are being 'Driven' by sierra club and groups like orca straight.The way I understood it at the time was,once an area was designated RCA,we wouldn't see it open again.Ever!
The original word was ,if we voluntarily gave up some area to rock fish conservation,then they would leave our salmon fishing areas alone.Obviously,they aren't happy with that.
There are a lot of guides who fish in this area.I would check with the boys at Island Outfitters about this.Ward and Darren were quite involved in the original mapping of RCAs for the area.

Edited by - knucklebuster on 11/02/2005 15:15:39
I just e-mailed Mr. Logan.

Remember, it's called "fishing," not "catching."
Your absolutly right knucklebuster, we could lose this area for fishing for a very long time. The person I spoke to at the forum who's in charge of doing the mapping of the RCA's said that the plan is to close 30% of the inside and 20% of the outside for habitat protection for rockfish. This means NO FISHING in these areas for any species! She said that this plan is based on U.S. models which say to close 30-50% of the habitat if the species is in trouble. Most of the other existing RCA's are going to be expanded greatly in order to achieve the 30% goal.
Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that the quillback rockfish and the yelloweye rockfish are being considered to go under the Species At Risk Act (SARA). If this ever goes through we can get out the belly boats and head to the lake. Hopefully, these drastic measures can keep this from happening.
There is still time to head things off at the pass. Contact Gary Logan and let him know your concerns.
I'm a little shocked.163 viewings and only 5 responses.Kind of like when I told everyone on Galiano island about the meeting on Mayne Island and I was still the only one who showed up from there.Active Pass sport fishing assoc. showed from Mayne and saved Active pass from closeure but the whole north end of Active including gossip isl. is now closed.Someone has to represent an area or other areas will 'donate' your fishing area to save thier own.

it must be something in the water
Good Lord,i have placed warnings about this, Buster is right.You will lose your fishing areas, you guys need to get off your asses before it's to late.Attend meetings lobby talk to politicans.BUT DO SOMETHING.Our season is closed oct 31-Feb something.Do you want yours closed also. One fish per person,One pole per person ,shrimp pots limit at 200ft.[no spot prawns.]no crabbing on weekends.These people who are working to close fishing areas,they are not resting untill they get what they want.If all of you fisherman put a little effort into the fight,they have no choice but to listen.Call ******** ask for proof.Fishermen know what areas are hurting.And they know why.Don't leave the fight for the guides,there is not enough.Marinas go broke, mechanics, tackle shops ,It's now or never.Mabe i have accidently got on a french fishing web site,the i understand.

thanks the runt
Dr. Hook, If i understand this correctly, this is just the begining of much more drastic RCA expansions up towards the west coast areas particularly the broken group RCA expanding out into possibly the whole mouth of Barkley sound. I have heard talk of this from many people from DFO to hatchery Operators and commercial fisherman. However when i mentioned this in a previous post last year i was bombarded with fellow forum members calling bull **** on the matter. No Bull here boyz, just the sick truth of whats coming down the outfall pipe. Im am not quite sure i understand why BecherBay is being targrted here ??? Whats next, Pedder Bay, Whirl bay ??? There will be alot of boats for sale soon...and then the Feds will wonder were Billions in lost tourism revenue went.
When the first RCAs were announced for inside waters,it was supposed to be 2-3 rockfish limit.Instead ,we got 1.and they closed Ling cod as well.
Ling cod was to re-open June 05.Due to a fuss made by Sierra club(Vicky Husband) it was postponed 2 weeks.It ended up not opening.The Ling opening was to be a trade off for a non retention of chinook in south waters.The chinook closure went into effect,but the ling opening didn't.Any of you who attended the SFAB meetings in Nanaimo,Duncan or Victoria know what I'm talking about.

it must be something in the water
You know unfortunatlly no matter what we do or say the government will do what the hell they want to do remember the blocking of ferries a few years back in rupert or the charlottes(cant remember) or the sockeye fishery for both sport or commercial!!!

The feds back in ottawa really do not give a sh*t about us I bet some of the people making up these measures havent even been on our coast let gone fishing here!!!!!

Face the facts boys we are losing what we want to do in our environment you cant go fishing in most of our lakes because the gates are closed and we fund the resourses by buying licences and the monies generateted by the habitat conservation fund!!!!!! we now live in a dictatorship world just the way the liberals want it very sad but true

My two cents worth Wolf
MadDog: It's no longer the Fisheries department and the RCA's we have to worry about on the West Coast. They've implemented ~ 15% of the known habitat as RCA's at this point, and it is somewhat unlikely they'll be working towards more.

That said, there is a DEFINITE movement with Parks Canada to expand the Broken Island exclusion zone quite extensively, with the eventual target of closing all offshore areas within a corridor along the West Coast Trail and Pacific Rim National Park. I KNOW they are proceeding on this, and in their arrogance, fully expect to achieve their desired agenda.

I'm working on digging up more on this, and will of course post when I have what I need in hand to do so.

As for the East Side, you folks ARE in TROUBLE! The target is for 30% of the recognized habitat. Make no bones about it, that is proceeding! If you're concerned, LET THEM KNOW! If you don't don't come back whining when it's gone!

Wolf: While I do hear what you're saying, there was some signifigant changes to initial plans on the West Side. This was due to comments and concerns forwarded by anglers and the businesses that support them. Collectively we can and DO make a difference! I know it's a tough row to hoe, and results are difficult to obtain. But anything worth fighting for, that is usually the case. Don't cave in to their mindless desires! It is US that must keep up the good fight!! Walking away in disgust only plays right into their hands.

Do not give up.Write letters to your local island gov.Heres their problem,they are going to lose millions from closeures. Tourism i think it's their 3rd biggest revenue maker.Just behind your famous cannabis and lumber.Bombard them with E.mails.Buy them a beer if ya have to,Canadians can settle any argument if there is enough labatts blue.

thanks the runt
If anybody knows anyone that fishes Active pass,well get ready,the whole thing is slated to be closed for fishing!All the moochers,shut down!

it must be something in the water
its mainly the locals who can't get to other places.Like the 'Active Pass sport fishing assoc.'mostly from Mayne isl.and a couple of old timers from Galiano.Moochers.I grew up fishing Active pass in the 60's and 70's ,back when you could still take 4 chinook a day.and there was no problem doing it.Using live herring.

it must be something in the water
I just looked at some of the areas in the North Georgia Strait and it would seem that the plan is to shut down all sportsfishing and Tourism out of Powell River and Campbell River
Most of the areas they have marked off are prime Salmon fishing areas.

Tthe area north from Campbell River is just as bad.

Edited by - kisinana on 11/15/2005 12:58:07
I responded to a few of the closures.... the thing that really gets me is how much the commercials are still able to do in those areas. If they treated all of us the same, I could stomache it a LITTLE better. I suppose we're the easy target. <img src=icon_smile_angry.gif border=0 align=middle>
I'm glad to see that this important topic is getting the exposure it deserves. Thanks 'Red Monster' for finding and posting the link to DFO's proposed RCA's. I figured there had to be one but was unable to find it when I put up the initial post. It goes to show that together we can make a difference and form a unified voice. Unfortunatly there is nothing we can do about the 30% habitat closure for the St. of Georgia but we can help to define the borders of the proposed RCA's so start typing and e-mail in your comments.

'Pablo2079' Right on! It' disgusting that commercials still ply the inside waters in the face of ever increasing restrictions to sports fishers. On Oct 12 I witnessed 2 boats dragnet fishing the bottom in Satillite Channel and dumping overboard the catch they didn't want or could't keep. Rattail and pacific cod were a few of the species we witnessed floating belly up for the seagulls and seals to feast on.