New Marina in Sooke

Brian Butler owns ex-BCPackers land on the west side of Ex-Palco, west of govt. wharf. He also owns the ex-log dump,log sort,(TinSheds) just west of Sooke where Park-isle Marine is building Yachts. That will take years here SOOKE [:X] to pass something that large. The latest Sunny Shores (small town soap Opera)Is that they(new owners to be?) will double the size of Marina,Parking, Access,Facilities etc...There is still Hope..;)[^]...... ooh but that will only be if we let them build a 100 0r so townhouse/condo's[xx(] Things are a changing.:(
If you had a large parcel of land with a crappy camp ground a marina, and somebody offered you millions to sell, what would you do. What's he going to do hold on to it so some guys can launch there boats. It's a no brainer.... Get your spots a Cheanuh boy's it's booking up fast !!!
I had a meeting with Andy last week and he told me there WILL be moorage as the new owners want a marina and it WILL be updated but the down side the campground and motels are gone I was assured the moorage and boat launch will definatly be open for the summer.

good to hear wolf, tks for that tidbit, hopefully the new owners do put some money in and keep it open, i wouldnt mind paying a couple bucks more for better marina , or any marina before i get greedy, lol