Negotiating your Boat!

Captain PartyMarty

Crew Member
After reading the thread about Negotiating for a new truck, it sounds like some of you are pretty tough negotiators. So when buying a used boat whats your negotiation tactic, and what works best when your trying to get a good price.

I made the mistake with my current boat of falling in love with it and ended up paying too much for it. I want to avoid that this time!
Be patient....I new what I wanted and wasn't afraid to wait for it. I also ended up buying both of my boats in mid-late September. I know its not ideal for getting it out on the ocean/lake but people really are far more motivated to sell when there is generally less interest during non-peak season.

And also never be afraid to walk away. If it isn't what you ant to spend or can't afford to spend, walk away, there will always be another boat.
Find something to pick apart, something wrong with it and know the market. Best advice though is don't buy in Canada.