need this?

damn is that cool!
That is really coming a long way from the old amphibian cars that looked like a Vauxhall with a propeller. Bet you will need more than the average 9-5 job to buy one of these, never mind pay for the fuel. Speaking of which, less than a hundred gallons for a hundred water and a hundred land miles. That's not too bad.
That is really coming a long way from the old amphibian cars that looked like a Vauxhall with a propeller. Bet you will need more than the average 9-5 job to buy one of these, never mind pay for the fuel. Speaking of which, less than a hundred gallons for a hundred water and a hundred land miles. That's not too bad.
And Speeds up to 30MPH
sent an email about pricing and salt water info... see what i get for a reply and will post.
That would be cool to take on a moose hunt.

That's what I'm talkin about. I've been looking at Argos for a long time but never bothered but this yeah man!!!!! The moose won't stand a chance on the other side of the lake.