Near miss with ACE line hauler

Lucky Streak

Active Member
Was out prawning this week in flat calm waters and noticed my Ace Brutus Max Torque line hauler was rocking back and forth like crazy! Turns out that the rocking motion had almost worked loose the 4 stove bolts that secure the Scotty downrigger tilt up fastening point from the top of my swivel mount. I immediately removed the puller and installed it on the other side. When I got home I inspected the swivel mount and noticed that the constant rocking had worn the top plate of the swivel mount right through.
I called Scotty Plastics, the helpful guy I spoke to told me that this was a common problem because the torque created by the line hauler far exceeds the amount of torque it was designed to withstand with the downrigger alone. I suggested installing a metal plate (to stop the wear) between the swivel mount top plate and the line hauler, but he suggested I might not want to do that because the swivel mount might fail elsewhere. He suggested replacing the top plate on the swivel mount and keep an eye on it, and replace when needed.
I have never heard of this problem before and suggest people running Ace line haulers on their Scotty swivel mounts should inspect their mounts for wear.
Scotty is sending me a few extra top plates at a reasonable $8 each plus shipping. scotty 2.jpgscotty 1.jpg
I have mine on a stainless plate. I also bungy it down when travelling so it does not rock or rattle.
That was mostly for OCD but looks like it may help in other ways too.
Good heads up for everyone and a good reminder anything that is allowed to flex regardless of what it’s made of will eventually wear or break.
I prefer the scotty puller. I keep mine on my boat 24/7 as I use it to haul crab traps and my hali anchor. If you have a silver streak carmanah I mount mine on the starboard side right at the back (over the fish box). The scotty is smaller/lower profile compared the ace so I find it doesn't get in the way.
I prefer the scotty puller. I keep mine on my boat 24/7 as I use it to haul crab traps and my hali anchor. If you have a silver streak carmanah I mount mine on the starboard side right at the back (over the fish box). The scotty is smaller/lower profile compared the ace so I find it doesn't get in the way.
Have you actually tried a hands free hauler? I just can't imagine anyone would prefer a Scotty. Out of storage necessity maybe it's suitable but far from preferred I'd imagine. I just asked my back and both arms and they all agree. 4 against one ;)
I have had this happen but definitely not from rocking back and forth. I had my son out with me this season so fresh meat running the gear and puller..... got the line in the prop couple times and the force it put on the base was pretty insane. In saying that I’m surprised it didn’t pull the entire thing off the boat lol good thing the engine stalled out lol. In 7 years of prawning with the ace never seen that happen to anyone or even heard of it and we prawn lots....
Have you actually tried a hands free hauler? I just can't imagine anyone would prefer a Scotty. Out of storage necessity maybe it's suitable but far from preferred I'd imagine. I just asked my back and both arms and they all agree. 4 against one ;)
Yep - I've tried the hands free line hualers a few times. Like I said I keep mine preeminently mounted. I'm fishing 3 to 4 days a week in summer 1-3 times in winter and I always drop crab traps. I go for prawns sometimes either way having in mounted and out of the way works for me.
Yep - I've tried the hands free line hualers a few times. Like I said I keep mine preeminently mounted. I'm fishing 3 to 4 days a week in summer 1-3 times in winter and I always drop crab traps. I go for prawns sometimes either way having in mounted and out of the way works for me.
I have to admit that there's times when I really don't feel like pulling the deeper crab traps by hand but don't feel like swapping out a rigger for the puller. Having a full time scotty for just crab traps would be nice.
I have to admit that there's times when I really don't feel like pulling the deeper crab traps by hand but don't feel like swapping out a rigger for the puller. Having a full time scotty for just crab traps would be nice.
You have me thinking....own both! Maybe I should just buy an ace with bulldog to use just for those prawning days (not that often) and enjoy life more ;). Space on my boat is at a premium (18 foot) so this would give me the best of both worlds! I'd only have to suffer the "why do you need two prawn pullers" from the wife.... hahaha
You have me thinking....own both! Maybe I should just buy an ace with bulldog to use just for those prawning days (not that often) and enjoy life more ;). Space on my boat is at a premium (18 foot) so this would give me the best of both worlds! I'd only have to suffer the "why do you need two prawn pullers" from the wife.... hahaha
I've already solved this. One is a backup! After my wife and I had to use a scotchsman to pull my heavy butt traps I'm sure she'd go for it now!
I have to admit that there's times when I really don't feel like pulling the deeper crab traps by hand but don't feel like swapping out a rigger for the puller. Having a full time scotty for just crab traps would be nice.
I put a separate mount for the Ace puller with its own power connector ahead of my downrigger. That way I don't have to remove the downrigger. I have since added a stainless plate below the mount for protection and better support. There is also a stainless backing plate


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