Natives halt traditional fishery

A pretty classy act.The band should be commended for there actions.

Unfortunately, not all of the bands have stopped fishing. Have a read:

Natives promise to defy ban on sockeye fishing

August 18, 2007 at 2:11 AM EDT

VANCOUVER — Native fishermen are vowing to head out onto the lower Fraser River this weekend to fish for sockeye salmon – defying a federal ban – in part to protest against the continuing recreational fishery.

"It's now common knowledge that they're killing and keeping sockeye,” Mr. Crey said."

So, today or tomorrow, according to Mr. Crey, natives in fishing boats will cast nets into the Fraser, partly as a gesture of protest and partly as a way to stock their freezers for the winter.
There may be a gene missing in some, sounds like quite a few, but surly not all, of our indigenous Sto:lo peoples who habituate the lower Fraser River. You know the gene I'm talking about, the one that controls rationality or (un)common sense. Or is their rebellion a product of the eternal foolishness of youth?? I think some of these guys are adults!!

Whatever, it is a sure thing that our inept, frequently wrong and, did I say INEPT DFO cannot and will not address this problem. Mr. Crey and his misguided boys need a little comeuppance but don't hold your breath.

These Sto:lo folk will always need our assistance and we will certainly always be there for them. Flood, sickness and famine. Too bad some of those gentle folk don't realize that cooperation is a two way street.

450 people taking 7000 fish hhhmmmm thats over 15 fish per person and I know not all of them take fish, food fish hey I wonder!!!!good on them though but here we are on the westcoast realeasing them on to to be netted in a weeks time I have lived her all my live born and raised so can I call my self "native" and star keeping them???????

But C.S., Didn't you watch the 'ex' chief on CBC say that none of his people would ever do anything like that. Those bags of eagle parts found on thier reserve 'must' have been planted there.

Will bandmembers sell 'food and ceremonial' sock's this year like every other year or is this damage control to wash eagle blood off of thier hands?

Hope for the best.
I find it hard to understand why all are tarred with the same brush for the actions of a few.
You will always find some who will take advantage of any situation and I am not talking about the natives. The fact that the band will not fish flies in the face of a tradition they have followed since before we came to this country. I say well done and I wish other reserves could go by their example and attempt to control those of their own reserves that take advantage of their "heritage".
If I were to use the same logic that some are using here and going by stories lately in the news all kits people are arsonists, all from Surrey are pedophiles, all from Victoria are car thieves.
I went to school and grew up with some of the natives from our local reserve and many of them are role figure for the younger generations.
At least on this forum, you can actually TALK about it. Those other ones are so moderated that even the mention of "native" and "fish" in one post, the thread gets deleted. Talk about trying to hide your head in the sand. :(
Great post Kisinana.

I to grew up in a 'mixed gene pool' and can relate many an experience as you have shared. I couldn't believe for a second that the friends that I had as a kid, could partake in endeavours such as outlined.

But facts are facts... And we do see many that don't yield to unscrupulous behaviour (5 dollar fish on the roadsides as example).

As for the nets in the river; them folks aren't doing anything illegal and I can't slam them for that... If the river were opened for Sport fisher’s; would the banks be empty? Me thinks NOT.

Hell, DFO asked guys not to employ sockeye catching methods (flossing) at all this season, or they would shut it down for all sports-fishing – We can see how well that worked and who did and didn’t think it through.

Good on the one's who ARE thinking it through (Natives). But don't be surprised if the majority of them, are no better than us and insist on fishing.
It would be funny if they changed the rules a bit (like barbless hooks) but this time the ceremonial hunts needed to be done in ceremonial fashion with hand made nets and paddles. We'd probably see the price of road side fish go up. :D
quote:Originally posted by wetcoast

It would be funny if they changed the rules a bit (like barbless hooks) but this time the ceremonial hunts needed to be done in ceremonial fashion with hand made nets and paddles. We'd probably see the price of road side fish go up. :D

Ceremonial Hunts using ceremonial meathods. I like it. Pile some guys in a dugout canoe to go spear a whale, forget the cigarette boat with the RPGS.