MR3 Ported back vs Solid

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
I have an MR3 ported back now and have had no problems.
I am planning to purchase a second MR3 and wondering if anyone has first hand opinion on ported vs solid

Not looking for "I have heard or I would think.."

Just wondering if anyone has had bad experience with either.

If no issues I will match up the ported back.

I have both Tips, haven't really noticed any difference maintenance or otherwise. I am pretty religious on service so I have them apart regularly and have to say the ported and non ported look the same inside.

Have both and have not noticed a lot of difference, but I don’t put many hours on them. The solid back is often called the guide model and the mythology is that some guides requested it as it added protection to salt water intrusion like the MR2. There seem to be less solid back (guide models) available and thus they may carry a small price premium on the used market. May be a status thing.
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I would do a solid back all the way. All it takes is one good splash of water onto the ported section of the reel and the drag is toast....
I have an MR3 ported back now and have had no problems.
I am planning to purchase a second MR3 and wondering if anyone has first hand opinion on ported vs solid

Not looking for "I have heard or I would think.."

Just wondering if anyone has had bad experience with either.

If no issues I will match up the ported back.


I think its a good idea and I heard they were good Graham....:p Sorry I had too its winter....
I bot the MR3 solid back reels before the ported were avail.
It seems to me the sound is a little different with the ported back, I prefer it.
The solid back seems to amplify the clicker, almost like a ringing sound.
Thanks for input.
I will get another ported back. First one has been great so I may as well match.

Funny, I got my first one while guiding and the ported back was the guide model.

Word is that they won't be making the ported backs in the future because of the extra time and cost to doing this. So these will be collectors.

I have another reel brand that is similarly ported and similar drag system and never had an issue. To me there is no difference. Cheers!
My LA-4's have a ported back and during a couple of heavy squals this summer the drags were buggered...had to take the spool off right then and there...dry out the reel and cork and re grease.
All of mine are ported backs and I've had zero issues. I look after them but don't worry about using them either. I haven't seen any saltwater issues when I have them apart. I like the looks of the ported better as well.....but that's just an opinion. Either way....great reel's....enjoy!
Islander has made the decision for u... I believe they have discounted the slotted back and are only coming out in solid backs...:)