MP Pension Reform...possible with your help


Well-Known Member
Dear ______

We are closer than ever to achieving a breakthrough on scrapping the platinum-plated MP pension plan.

Following on the heels of the CTF’s “bombshell report," news is breaking that under pressure, the Conservative government is sending this issue to the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) to come up with a plan for changes.

Since this committee only meets in secret, it’s imperative that they hear the voice of taxpayers before going behind closed doors.

The BOIE is an all-party committee of MPs that decides on matters pertaining to Parliament. Recall two years ago we convinced them to open Parliament’s books to the auditor general and end the practice of MPs sending junk mail to ridings outside their own.

It’s time they hear from taxpayers again!

To start, you can e-mail committee members:;;;;;;

Copy and paste this list if you don't use Outlook:,,,,,,

You can also find your own MP’s e-mail address here:

Please be sure to CC us at in your e-mail.

We need to tell these MPs that a mere nip-and-tuck, cosmetic reform is not going to cut it. It’s time to replace the current plan with a Pooled Registered Retirement Plan that has taxpayers matching MP contributions $1 for $1. Currently, taxpayers kick in $23.30 for every $1 an MP contributes to their pension plan.

For more than 20 years the CTF has been calculating MP pensions and demanding reform. For more than 20 years politicians have been ducking and hiding. Now, finally, it appears momentum is on the side of taxpayers. Let’s not let up, we can win!

Thanks for all you do,

--Gregory, Courtenay, Derek and the rest of the CTF team

PS: The federal government reports a communications army of 4,814 full-time employees. In Ottawa, the CTF has a communications and research staff of two. Your donation is what makes our work and our voice possible.

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