Mountain Whitefish


New Member
Thanks for the advice on places to check out near Vanvouver.

Was wondering if heading to the Chilliwack river this time a year for Mountain Whitefish is a good idea? Seems like they are plentiful and fun to catch, probably decent tablefare as well. Anyone have any tips on the best way to go after them? Also, any other species i should be on the lookout for this time of year out there?

The Stave River just below the dam is another good place for Whities this time of year... we always got them on a sink tip line and a double bead stonefly nymph.
where did gramps go in Kelowna

We fished under the big bridge over the lake on the west side, and just about anywhere on the west side of the lake where it was rocky, very near shore with maggots and mealworms. The last few years he has.moved to the small mountain lakes in the hills to the east as the rafts of.kokanee floating in the lake dead from pesticides has turned him off a bit.. I dont know the name of the small lake,.but a 90.year old man drives his car there on a regular basis, so its not too far now hidden..

Maggot and worm under a bobber... Apparantly the dyed red maggots are hot these days, and when I mentioned Berkley Gulp maggots to him I got a nasty look, but they should work too..

Just check the regs, some of the lakes are dry fly only....
Thanks Last Chance I will try it, should limit out quickly, absolutely no fishing pressure on this lake
The trick in December was they are near the shore tending their redds, but I understand that there are plenty of Kokanee and bows in the little lakes these days. I have not talked to him about fishing for a few years, he is Russian and speaks broken English, next time I talk to Mom I'll see if I can get her to translate and get a report for you.