Mid Island lakes


Anybody been out on Horne? Spider? Cameron? Gonna try Thursday morning - hope there is no ice or at least thin ice close to shore that you can break through. The Rainbows should be close to shore at this time of year.

Long rod, tight line
Went out today and Spider is frozen solid. Horne was very slow although one fellow in a pontoon got A 3 LB cutty - nice to see. Three of us tried but it is back to the drawing boards.

Horne is down about 10 feet in water level - scary.

Didn't try Cameron as it was to windy.

Long rod, tight line
horne lake should start really heating up next month.but in the meantime you can try fishing it 1-2 days after a good rain,horne lake seems to fish best right after a good rain
I fish SPider and Cameron, but never fished Horne. They stock all three don't they?
I can't believe the endless traffic on Highway 4 ( to Port Alberni) that swings along Cameron Lake. Busy, busy, busy. Otherwise Cameron's not a bad lake if it's not windy.
went to horne lake last sat on shore we caught 2 17in 1 21in
All 3 are stocked. No motors of any kind on Spider which makes it nice and quiet. Tried Cameron last Thursday - nada. Couple of guys in a small bass skiff went out but it got too cold to hang around and wait to see what they caught.

Checked out Spider and the ice is off - except for a small bay just off the beach. Water is up from last fall but still pretty low. One regular said he has never seen it this low.

Long rod, tight line