Merc 4.3 V6 carb Injection engine and Alpha Gen 2 leg : SOLD


Well-Known Member
Friends buddie is podding his new to him Trophy ...
the engine and leg has been removed and he just wants it gone ....

4.3 V6 carb injected later engine and Alpha gen two leg

$2,500.00 and can be collected in North Van can be loaded up as there is a fork lift there and will be on a pallet ...
its on the sunshine coast at the moment ..... will include headers and risers all in very good condition ...
so who ever gets it is really getting a bargain which the leg is going for that used .....

there is recent bill's which show that it was running up to this year .....
bumping and want's it gone $1800 before it goes on FB or CL
leg and engine inc manifolds $1250 he just wants it gone as needs to move on his project and no time to sit on it ...