Do you have a 15lb mold.?what type of melting pot do you use to do 15 lb cannon balls looking to make one for myself thanks Don
Is making your own balls that cost effective? Just curious seems like you only save a few bucks a ball and then all the work involved ? I don't lose that many a season
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Doing it myself I save about half. It is a day's event. But I barter the extra ones I make or sell off to pay for the lead. If your not losing any then yeah no sense in making them.... Enough of us do.
Outside always!
That's cool man I never knew you made one of those...There is always this thread to look at lol.....
Back in the day when everyone got along.
Anyways it's pretty high capacity and there were apparently some operator issues with the valve design. Guy's casting bullets have used that design for many years with zero problems.