Massive School of Springs?

Whole in the Water

Well-Known Member
I was in Island Outfitters on Friday and one of the staff there said that he heard that a huge school of springs (something like 2 square miles wide?) was heading to and down the southern west coast of the Island. Has anyone else heard this, and if so is there any truth to it, or is this just BS?

Sharp hooks and full traps!
It's the Vedder run of White Springs-huge pigs almost all over 20#
many over 40.
By the third week of October the river will be choked with them.

that's why there's a warranty!
I don't know where they're supposed to be right now, but yesterday, while fishing for cohos in 585' of water off Becher Bay, I saw on my sounder the largest mass of fish I've ever seen. From 200' to about 500', the whole screen was filled with large targets. This went on for maybe half a kilometer, but when I turned around to try and cover them again, I was only able to find a few (maybe the edge of the school?). I called my in-laws over and they saw it on their sounder, too, but neither of us was able to get gear down fast or far enough to see any action. I've never seen so many fish on a sounder!!

Hake are very deep runners-300+ feet down.
Like any fish they do come up occasionally though.
Where's the big Buzz Bomb when you need it?

that's why there's a warranty!
i've caught hake numerous times at alberni when using sockeye gear early in the morning, or late in the evening. thats also always shallower then 90 feet too. is'nt it a bit late for so many sprigs to be going throught though?
No certain runs spawn at different times look at the nooksack river in wash. those fish spawn in may or the ones on the skeena also early may it all depends on what fish use the river too. Pinks chum coho they all go up in different times saw a spring yesterday about 35 lbs that was chrome as ever dont know if it was a sooke fish or not but it was full of eggs getting ready to spawn.
Good luck Wolf
Is a Hake the same thing as a Pollock?
An ugly walleyed creature?
I've caught Pollock @ Whale Channel cut plugging years ago.

that's why there's a warranty!