Magnum Hoochies......


Well-Known Member
Anybody use these big Magnum hoochies like 6 inch and 8 inch?

As a possible alternative to plugs?

They're the same colors as reg hoochies only much bigger...
I've only ever fished one once...a long time the time I got nothing on it.......

What leader length behind a flasher do you use for Magnums?

Shorter leader? it's going to take a lot to whip one of those around I would think.......

Curious as I think you can get them up to bigger than 10 inch.....
Use the brown and white turds on the west coast and bought some
Pimped shrimp from Harbour Chandler I am gonna give a whirl.
Fish em like other hoochies basically
I use the pearl glow wench which is a 6 inch from Pirates Den-I put an LED in it and double 5/0 gammi's -worked very well with a 40 inch tie. Experimenting with the x-large jughead-same set-up but no Flasher-had some success last sept and want to see if I can duplicate it.
I use 6" and 8" hoochies to troll bottom for halibut all the time - once in awhile a chinook eats one, but not often enough that makes me think it is better than standard sized hoochies