Lure positioning

Distance from release clip to the flasher changes the action of the flasher. Generally the shorter the difference, like 2m separation, gives faster action than 4m. Fish want different things different days. Distance of your lure from the flasher matters also. Usually longer (~1-2m) for spoons and anchovies and shorter (0.2-0.5m) for hoochies. The speed you are trolling will also change the action.
Hey guys. When trolling for springs with downriggers, how far behind the boat do you like to position your lure?

Let out about 15 feet of line and attach it to your release clip. Attached to the end of your main line you will have a flasher and from there a 5’ leader for spoons, 6’ for bait and 3’ for hoochie.
While I got you guys on the line:
  • What are your thoughts on different trolling speeds (and let's use no current, no tides as baseline)? Coho, Chinook, anchovies, spoons, hoochies.
  • Is there a difference between hoochies and squid?
  • Do you use coho-killers for Chinook?
My $0.02
  • What are your thoughts on different trolling speeds (and let's use no current, no tides as baseline)? Coho, Chinook, anchovies, spoons, hoochies.
    • Chinook: 2-2.5knts
    • Coho: 3-4knts.
    • Spoons and Hoochies I'll run on the faster side of the above range. For me, bait tends to stop rolling nicely at the higher speeds
  • Is there a difference between hoochies and squid?
    • There are Squirts (small needlefish), Hoochies (4-4.5" octopus shaped ones) and Turds (long nose squids, usually 5-8)
  • Do you use coho-killers for Chinook?
    • Absolutely! When the bait is small and/or when they are feeding on needlefish
Let out about 15 feet of line and attach it to your release clip. Attached to the end of your main line you will have a flasher and from there a 5’ leader for spoons, 6’ for bait and 3’ for hoochie.
Better check the past fishing report posts from Stizzla before taking advice. LMAO!
Kidding... He is bang on for starting point. Don't be afraid to experiment though.
Better check the past fishing report posts from Stizzla before taking advice. LMAO!
Kidding... He is bang on for starting point. Don't be afraid to experiment though.
That’s why I pulled a George Costanza amd left on a high note.
Yep, sold my boat when I caught my limit of 11lb winter springs in February.
Don't even know you beyond this site but you're welcome on my boat while your without. I like your attitude.

... Back to the topic.
Thanks! Looking forward to it. I’m well past the withdrawal stage. 5 months of not being on the water
I always stagger my lines so that they aren't to close to one another. I fish 3 riggers and have always been different than most as I set the middle one the deepest. (works great for my setup) The middle rigger is also the farthest back from the boat. So my typical summer Sheringham tight to beach setup (65-70ft of water depth) ...55ft on middle rigger and 50 feet behind boat...Starboard rigger 50 ft and 20 ft back from boat. Port rigger 30-45 ft down (I search the shallower depths with this one) and 35 ft back from boat. So middle and Starboard are only 5 ft apart in depth but the farthest apart in set back (30ft) The port rigger is shallower and halfway between the other two in set back.